Obvious Yet Overlooked -- coda to 5x12 Swap Meat

Jan 29, 2010 20:10

Fanfic: Obvious Yet Overlooked - coda to 5x12 Swap Meat
Author: sandymg 
Summary: It should be obvious, but only if you look
Spoilers: coda for 5x12 Swap Meat
Wordcount: 1,309 One-shot
Genre: Gen, Hurt/Comfort
Characters: Sam, Dean
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or any of its characters. They belong to the CW and Eric Kripke - who'd ( Read more... )

hurt/comfort, supernatural, fanfic, dean winchester, hurt!dean, coda, season 5, gen, spn, obvious yet overlooked, 5x12 swap meat, author: sandymg, sam winchester

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Comments 33

dante_s_hell January 30 2010, 01:46:50 UTC
But not alone. That just sums up their entire problem, doesn't it? They need to work at being together again. Them against the world, hell, whatever. This was a great little piece. It's like they've finally made it to the track. Now if they could just get out of the gate and go the distance... gotta ditch this metaphor. Lol.

Seriously, it's gotten so hard to watch the show because even when they're together they're apart. It makes me sad. I keep waiting for the pay off, but it doesn't seem like it's coming.

This fic helped me to feel better about all of that. Thank you!

I'll stop rambling now....


sandymg January 30 2010, 02:20:12 UTC
Thanks! I agree ... I keep waiting for just a moment of connection. I'm staying hopeful though.

Please, if you can, also check out the companion to this:
5x12 coda, Overlooking the Obvious.


borgmama1of5 January 30 2010, 02:14:53 UTC
I love you!

I think yours is sadder than mine.


sandymg January 30 2010, 02:18:27 UTC
I love you, too! And, of course, mine is sadder!


borgmama1of5 January 30 2010, 03:53:24 UTC
Hell’s most wanted. At one time Dean’d been on the FBI’s most wanted list. Was this considered moving up?

Favorite line!


sandymg January 30 2010, 03:55:22 UTC
Thanks! I wanted to get a little of Sam's brand of humor in there. Think I captured it this time. Glad you noticed.


embroiderama January 30 2010, 02:40:16 UTC
Oh, SAM. This works great both with the episode and with the other story.


sandymg January 30 2010, 02:42:10 UTC
Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed this. Borgmama's story came first so mine was the easier one. I'm craving some brother love on the show. Guess this might be the only way to get it for a while.


reality0junkie January 30 2010, 02:45:14 UTC
This is great. Really loved the feeling.


sandymg January 30 2010, 03:06:25 UTC
Thanks so much. Check out the companion piece when you can. Same slice of life ... Dean's POV.


erinrua January 30 2010, 04:02:37 UTC
So sad, so bittersweet. This is perfect. Thanks for this, hon.


sandymg January 30 2010, 04:09:30 UTC
Thanks so much. It did come out a bit sad. I see Sam that way. Angry, yes. But also sad.


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