STORY: A Family (From Afar) For Christmas (Neal) (#1 Allison Caffrey Chronicles)

Dec 11, 2016 01:13

Summary: Feeling a tad too lonely in Paris, Neal makes an impromptu trip to London for the holidays.

Notes: Written for Hurt/Comfort Advent 2016 over at whitecollarhc. Part of my “Allison Caffrey Chronicles”, prequel to the other stories, leading up to events that were mentioned in Chapter 3 of “Of Second Chances”. Oh, and the hotel mentioned can really be ( Read more... )

fandom: white collar, tv: white collar, character: neal caffrey, series: allison caffrey chronicles

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Comments 2

kanarek13 December 11 2016, 21:58:42 UTC
Awww, Neal! Seriously, that man just loves torturing himself :P So very him, awww... poor guy. Thankfully we already know things get better for the entire family. It's great New Year's resolution - to end this suffering and build a brighter future :D

Love this \o/ ♥


sandy79 December 11 2016, 22:54:57 UTC
*hugs* thank you! Yeah, Neal's just like that XD Well, he definitely will give one of them the call, but not before he has a run-in with a certain redhead...


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