Top of the TV - 20+icons for tvcharacter20

Nov 02, 2016 11:27

We all have them - favorites. Be it a favorite character, couple, scene, or anything else. And in all the years of watching TV, you might get a nice (and long) list of these favorites. I went over mine and pulled the best of the best for this batch, made for the current round over at tvcharacter20. Enjoy!

My personal best of TV... )

city: new york, tv: arrow, character: oliver queen, medium: icons, character: june ellington, tv: almost human, fandom: supernatural, character: dean winchester, character: peter burke, character: lois lane, character: neal caffrey, character: felicity smoak, fandom: white collar, tv: white collar, tv: supernatural, character: sam winchester, community: tvcharacter20, character: dorian, character: sara ellis, character: john kennex

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Comments 16

kanarek13 November 2 2016, 16:15:07 UTC
Awww, so much awesomeness in one post :D Of course my eyes linger a few extra seconds on those with our beautiful favorite boys, heeee :D ♥


sandy79 November 2 2016, 20:41:58 UTC
thank you! And I would be shocked if you didn't linger ;)


tarlanx November 2 2016, 18:10:42 UTC
Great icons, but I especially love the Almost Human icons


sandy79 November 2 2016, 20:41:09 UTC
thank you!


daria234 November 3 2016, 00:20:36 UTC
These are great
I esp love fight, June, Chloe/Oliver (Whoa I totally just realized that more than one TV Oliver Queen has fallen for the geeky hacker blonde), alts 1, 2, 22, 23, 24, 30, ac5, promo pic


sandy79 November 3 2016, 00:39:35 UTC
thank you!

Whoa I totally just realized that more than one TV Oliver Queen has fallen for the geeky hacker blonde

But at least these two have a happy end - I'm not so sure with Ollie and Felicity


milly_gal November 3 2016, 08:41:59 UTC
Beautiful work sweetheart, as always ♥


sandy79 November 3 2016, 18:06:33 UTC
aww, thank you!! *hugs*


vickysg1 November 3 2016, 16:14:50 UTC
Great icons! I like Cancelled, Guest Star and Male.


sandy79 November 3 2016, 18:06:08 UTC
thank you!! love your icon!


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