Fandom Is Love, Year II - Introducing Small Fandoms, Part I - Almost Human

Feb 09, 2016 03:05

First things first: please join me in a round of applause to the lovely selenic76, who’s organizing this wonderful fandom fest for the second year in a row. *claps ( Read more... )

tv: almost human, fandom, event: february fandom fest, character: dorian, character: john kennex

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Comments 12

aragarna February 9 2016, 02:18:48 UTC
I started watching it because Joe Henderson was co-writing it. Took me a few episodes to warm up to it. I mostly liked Michael Ealy, but I got really interested when they started developping the future and different elements of the society. I got hooked... Just in time to discover the reason why there was no new episodes was that... it got cancelled. *pout*


sandy79 February 9 2016, 19:02:26 UTC
thank you! Yeah, there were still a lot of stories to tell when they cancelled it.


daria234 February 9 2016, 05:05:29 UTC
I loved that show! Great pics too


sandy79 February 9 2016, 19:03:48 UTC
thank you!!


tarlanx February 9 2016, 19:26:15 UTC
I really loved this show and was so annoyed when it got canceled so soon :(


sandy79 February 9 2016, 19:51:12 UTC
yeah me too :(


selenic76 February 9 2016, 19:26:54 UTC
I love this post so much! ^_^ Almost Human deserved so much more than one season, for all the reasons you mentioned. I feel like so many things were hinted at, about the bigger plot developing behind everything, and I wanted to know more. I also wanted more of the bantering, and to see how the relationship between John and Dorian would evolve :) (I didn't really slash them, but there was definitely potential.)

I'm a big fan of Isaac Asimov's robot stories, and Star Trek TNG's Data, and that's why the show caught my interest when someone mentioned it. They only got one season, but it was a damn good one, and I'm so happy that other's share my love for it :)

Thank you for a totally wonderful and love-filled post! ^_^


sandy79 February 9 2016, 19:56:57 UTC
*hugs* you're welcome! You know how much I loved writing for last year's fest, so by New Year's Eve, I already was waiting for your post announcing this year's. And it also gives me a good reason to dig myself into everything that's there to find about the shows XD


thesmallhobbit February 16 2016, 22:06:58 UTC
Thank you for the reminders of a good show - so much potential.


sandy79 February 16 2016, 22:27:57 UTC
you're welcome!


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