Sunday Video Post - Matt Roundabout

Jul 13, 2015 02:36

One of my favorite things to do on a Sunday evening, after checking my e-mails and ffnet, is sifting through youtube for new and/or unknown videos. Mostly they are about Matt XD (but there are exceptions to that rule!)

this way to the pretties... )

tv: the normal heart, movie: magic mike xxl, movie: in time, medium: interview, actor: matt bomer, tv: white collar, movie: superman unbound, medium: video, movie: magic mike, movie: space station 76, tv: chuck

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Comments 7

kanarek13 July 13 2015, 05:35:12 UTC
Heee, that is one heck of a collection. And lol, I guess I will have to add another ZIP file with the Matt and Donald interviews, I uploaded one yesterday, heee.

Your posts are epic, I wouldn't have found even half this stuff on my own, hee :D


sandy79 July 13 2015, 17:06:17 UTC
*blushes* thank you!

yeah, I saw your new additions *after* I did this post, and I was thinking "uh-oh, kan won't be entirely happy with me right now" XD

in the second one in the MMXXL section he's, once again, the epitome of adorableness


kanarek13 July 13 2015, 17:07:52 UTC
ZOMG, I watched that clip at work and he is beyond adorable, almost impossible that so much adorableness can be bottled up in one person.

Alien, I'm telling ya :P


sandy79 July 13 2015, 17:09:52 UTC
definitely that kind of Alien I don't mind having here on Earth ;)


kanarek13 July 13 2015, 07:28:10 UTC
Oh, and also... there are lovely Comic Con pics on and I guess the most important news of the day - on AHS Hotel everyone's a bad boy.

That kinda makes me both relieved and a bit excited because yes, I wanna see Matty play a bad boy :P


sandy79 July 13 2015, 17:08:32 UTC
love the ones they have from the Nintendo booth - Matty the big kid!

yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing him playing a bad boy too, but I bet we'll love his character probably despite whatever evil things he's gonna do - that's Matty we talk about XD


kanarek13 July 13 2015, 20:51:34 UTC
Yeah, I just really didn't want him to be another victim to be killed off, now playing a bad boy is definitely something he has not explored all that much... unless we count Guiding Light but how evil can you get on a soap opera? LOL

So, yeah, this makes me happy and I am finally starting to get excited about this :P

I even like his name - Donovan. They released a first teaser with Lady Gaga, hopefully they'll do the same for Donovan soon :D

*fist bump*


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