
May 15, 2006 21:50

This doesn't belong to me.

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manips, emma/rupert

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Comments 2

cryptical_line May 15 2006, 21:00:16 UTC
Интереснее было бы развить тему "Перл-Харбора" ;)
It would be more interesting to develop a theme of "Pearl-Harbour"


Again ... ex_cutekeepe118 May 16 2006, 02:48:14 UTC
The icon you used in your last post to honestlyronald was made with my commissioned art without my permission. I am asking you nicely again to delete it. Please do not make me get Marta involved. The art is not yours and you had no right to icon it. I understand it was not your fault, but please delete it immediately. Thank you.


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