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Comments 2

ohyouslowpoke January 16 2015, 11:30:06 UTC
Кастую ниже:
1) Платиновый комментарий про "укрывание фольгой".
2) Платиновый комментарий №2 про "папуасов".

Несколько фото с Holloman Air Force Base, где обучают пилотов ДПЛА:

Ground control stations inside(вид внутри):

... )


feassunditiat January 17 2015, 23:59:13 UTC
In newly developed countries such as the colonies of the British Empire, the State has refused to take responsibility for the poor and the relief of poverty, although the poor classes lean heavily towards State socialism The notion that parliaments were the result of a democratic movement cannot be supported by historical facts Kano Nigeria AFP - Yanaye Grema hid for three days between a wall and his neighbours house, as Boko Haram fighters ransacked his hometown of Baga on the shore of Lake Chad in Nigeria s far northeast The week-long search after the previous sighting involved battleships, minesweepers, helicopters and more than 200 troops scouring an area 30 to 60 kilometres 20 to 40 miles from the capital


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