Northern General -- Chapter 7

Oct 03, 2011 22:22

Chapter 7

Carlisle tried several times to speak to Edward alone without success. Now that he lived with Jasper, they came and left together each day. He could see that Edward did not look happy, and he wondered if things were going well with his father. He still worried about Edward’s welfare, but the boy apparently did not want to talk to him. He had cut him out of his life. He didn’t even answer his phone calls or pages to him. Carlisle decided he was not going to take it any longer. Edward was his. He had to somehow make him see that. He had even sunk so low as to have climbed the boy’s condo one night and peaked into his window. It was too risky to repeat with his window being exposed to other buildings.

Standing outside of the condo door, Carlisle tried to dispel his anxiety. His talks with Edward had not gone well before; and he feared the same would be the result, but doing nothing was killing him. He missed Edward terribly. He was unable to concentrate at work and at home. He was lucky the class was almost over and his students were now well advanced.

He was surprised when he was buzzed up to the condo. Maybe Edward was ready to forgive him. Desperate, he had purchased a large bouquet of red roses and a box of Godiva chocolate. He remembered Edward’s penchant for the confection and hoped that it would help to persuade the boy to give him another change.

It was of no surprise when Jasper opened the door.

"Hello, Jasper. Is Edward here?"

Jasper was gazing at him with one eyebrow raised and a smirk on his face that Carlisle wanted badly to knock off. If the young Texan's father weren't a dear friend...


Edward had finally come to the door with a towel around his slim waist. It was apparent he had just taken a shower. His hair was wet and dripping, his pale unblemished skin was moist and flushed. Edward’s body had changed since he had first seen it months before. The lean muscular body was more defined and he was even an inch taller. He stared at the light dusting of a bronze happy trail leading into the towel and wondered did it make him a bad vampire to wish the towel would slip. Carlisle was so busy staring that he barely noticed Jasper doing the same. He glared at Jasper once he caught his eye. Jasper shrugged as if to say who wouldn’t look. Carlisle was so angry he barely heard Edward speaking.

"Why don’t you come in, Carlisle?"

He walked passed Jasper who looked none too pleased as he closed the door.

"Are those for me?" Edward asked, smiling.

Carlisle nodded.

"Thank you. Let me take those from you." He took the flowers from Carlisle and walked to the kitchen to find a vase for them.

"I’m sorry, where are my manners? Let me take these and you have a seat," Jasper snidely said.

Before Carlisle could sit down in the offered chair, Jasper grabbed the box of candy and to the vampire’s chagrin and dismay, opened the box and began eating them.

"I have to throw some clothes on. I’ll be right back, Carlisle."

The apartment was warm and cozy. It looked professionally decorated. The wood was dark with stainless steel accents, There were glass tables and potted plants in strategic spots and a few vases with fresh flowers. Edward had set his bouquet on the marble countertop in the kitchen.

"Nice apartment. Two bedrooms?"

"What are you doing here, Cullen?" Jasper said ignoring his question. "And, how did you find my condo? You haven’t become some creepy stalker have you?”

"I came to speak to Edward, and no, I am not a stalker. I just happen to have heard you mention the name of the condos one day." And I may be a little stalker-ish but with good reason.

"Let me set you straight, Cullen. If you’re here to hurt him again, you can get up and leave right now."

Carlisle had to suppress his anger at the insinuation, and at the same time he respected Jasper for looking out for Edward. "I have no intentions of hurting Edward, Jasper."

"You did before." He paused to use a baby finger to dislodge some caramel from his teeth. "Now you come with flowers and candy, thinking that will fix things."

"Jasper, this is between Edward and me."

"It’s wrong, Carlisle. You’re his instructor and a lot older. How old are you supposed to be anyway, thirty? There are laws against such things, you know. And there’s something different about you, and it’s not just that English accent."

"Jasper!" Edward admonished as he came out of his room. He was wearing his glasses, although a more stylish pair, a gray hoodie with Northern General embroidered across it, and sweat pants. Carlisle noticed that his slender feet were bare. Maybe there was something to Tanya’s accusation about feet.

"Sorry, Eddie."

Eddie? How dare he mutilate his name.

Carlisle stood up from his chair. "Edward, may I speak to you alone, please?"

Jasper protectively placed himself in front of Edward, staking his territory.

"Jasper, it’s alright. Do you mind?" Edward asked into Jasper’s back.

Carlisle cringed as Jasper turned and placed a hand on Edward’s upper arm. "I’ll be in the other room if you need me." He walked away to his room, only hesitating for a few seconds to give Carlisle a scowl.

Edward nervously ran his hand through his damp hair. "Please sit down, Carlisle. May I get you something to drink?"

"No, I’m fine, Edward. I wanted to apologize for my behavior a few weeks ago. I said and did some despicable things. It was uncalled for. It is just that my emotions were so raw and so new for me." He moved closer to Edward, tentatively reaching for his hand, but Edward backed away, sitting down on the sofa.

"Please, Carlisle. Let’s just talk."

Hurt and disappointed, Carlisle sat down in the offered chair across from the sofa. It was difficult. He felt as if he needed to touch Edward to ground himself. It was unnerving to finally be alone with the boy and not touch him. He had composed what he planned on saying on the ride over but quickly forgot every word once he looked at Edward. His mouth had gone dry and his throat felt tight. Was having a mate supposed to be this miserable? Tanya had only been able to tell him so much. She had never mated and feared doing so might cut into her nightly excursions. She mumbled nonsense about leading a horse to water but it was up to him to get him to drink, and how she never left anyone thirsty.

"I’ve missed you, Edward. I never meant those things I accused you of. I was so upset about you and…" He looked at Jasper’s room. "I’ve been in love with you from the first moment I saw you. I didn’t understand what it was at first. I’m a bit older than you, Edward, but totally inexperienced with relationships. It would have much easier if I could have fallen in love with someone more my age, but it did not happen that way. And I would not want it any other way. I’ll gladly take all the complications, hardships, and roadblocks (again, he paused, looking at Jasper’s room) if it means I could be with you."

Edward had been nervously pulling on the rim of his hoodie during the whole speech. Carlisle prayed he was not gearing up to reject him again as the boy began to speak.

"I didn’t mean to hurt you, Carlisle. It’s just that I was afraid.

"I’ve been mistaken on what love was before. I thought I was in love with my piano teacher and I thought it was reciprocated, but I was mistaken. He only toyed with me. My father… I don’t know if he ever loved me, but it doesn’t matter. He’s my only connection to my mother, who I know loved me despite my sexual orientation. The good thing is I don’t have to hide my sexuality from my father any longer. I’m of legal age. But I’ll have to go back to hiding to be with you. When you became angry with me, it made me feel like I did with my father when he discovered me with Peter. I felt like I was 13 again, like what I was doing was something dirty, to be ashamed of. I vowed I would never allow anyone to make me feel that way again."

"So is that it? I remind you of your father. Not of a man who is suspect of your affections for another man?"

Frustrated, Carlisle stood up abruptly and started pacing back and forth, pinching his nose. He had centuries of practice being a patient man, but felt he had reached his limit with Edward. It did not help that his emotions had already been all over the place ever since he realized his affections for the boy.

"Edward, yes, I cannot go public with my affection for you, but society has placed that restriction on us. If I could shout it from the rooftop, I would. Say the word and I would quit my job tomorrow and never look back. You mean much more to me than any job or career ever could. You have but to ask of me and I would give you anything you desire, Edward, but don’t presume that I will say nothing while you live with a man that you had amorous interactions with and expect me to be unemotional about it. I respect your feelings but you have to give consideration and respect to mine. I understand you are afraid to trust your feelings because of your past, but please don’t throw what we have away. Tell me you don’t feel something more than you have ever experienced before, and I will concede to ending my pursuit of a relationship with you."

Stopping to stand in front of Edward, he reached out his hand. The boy rose and placed his hand in Carlisle’s. They stared into each other’s eyes in silent agreement and understanding. A bridge had been crossed. No more words were needed as they were enveloped in each other’s arms. Like a lock that was tumbled open, Carlisle felt all the tension leave his body and all possibilities were now before him. Edward’s heart beat against him as if it were his own. He had missed its hypnotic song along with the warmth it provided. And just when he thought he could not be happier, Edward whispered the words he had been waiting an eternity to hear.

"I love you, Carlisle."

"Can we eat now?"

Encased in their happiness they had not noticed that Jasper had entered the living room.

Carlisle growled before he realized it.

"Good thing I suggested it. You sound like you’re starving, Carlisle."


One day, as Carlisle was becoming comfortable that his relationship with Edward was thriving, Edward was unexpectedly called down to the hospital lobby. His anxiety and concern getting the best of him, Carlisle refused to let his mate go alone.”

The imposing figure stood in the lobby next to Emmett. Somehow Emmett’s 6’6” looked diminutive next to Edward Sr.’s 6’4" imposing demeanor. He had looked menacing as a drunk but he was terrifying sober. Standing ramrod straight in an expensive suit, he looked all the part of the lawyer who could win any case by intimidation alone. He was a very attractive, distinguished-looking man and probably used it to his advantage in court to throw off the opposing council. But unlike Edward Jr., he had no kindness or gentleness about him. It subtracted from his appearance, making him appear unapproachable and unyielding. Carlisle tried to see some similarities between his angel and the man in front of him but was hard put to find anything other than the same chin. It must have true that Edward Jr. had been his mother’s child.

As he and Edward walked down the hall toward the front desk, he had flashbacks of his intimidating first appearance to see Aro in Volterra. He was happy that he was able to accompany Edward to the lobby. With the thought of his mate having to grow up in the same household with this man, he began to feel very grateful the boy had moved out of his home. Edward had been silent at his side the entire walk. His steps hesitated initially on seeing that it was his father but then continued on determinedly. When both reached Edward Sr., Carlisle held out his hand.

"Hello, Mr. Masen. I’m happy to finally meet you. I’m Dr. Carlisle Cullen, Edward’s instructor." Carlisle dropped his hand as Mr. Masen obviously had no intention on shaking it. "You should be very proud of your son. He is my prize pupil."

"Edward is doing no more than what is expected. Edward, is there somewhere we can speak privately?" he said, dismissing Carlisle.

Thinking of the last encounter he had witnessed between the two, Carlisle did not want Edward out of his sight and suggested his office. He waited out in the hallway as the two entered and closed the door. It did not matter. Carlisle could and would listen to every word. He did not trust Edward’s safety with the man.

"Why are you here, father? Shouldn’t you be at work? Are you alright?"

His father ignored the questions.

"I did not give you permission to move out."

"Father, I don’t need your permission. I’m seventeen and I’m in medical school. Besides, we haven’t gotten along too well in quite some time. We’re better off away from each other."

"So now you think you know what‘s better for me?"

"Father, I don’t want to argue with you. I’ll still make sure the house is taken care of, just as mother did, and I’ll be there for you if you need me. I just can’t live with you. It’s too hard."

"I taught you to never say anything is too hard.” He stared shrewdly at Edward.

"You deserted me, Edward. You ran away from home. Do you think this is what your mother would have wanted?"

"Don’t, father."

"All we have is each other, Edward, and you’ve thrown me away."

"You know that’s not true. You have always treated me as if you hated me."

"I had to be tough on you. I did my best to raise you to be the best man you could possibly be. You hung around your mother too much. It made you too soft. It made you a fagg…"

"Don’t you dare call me that, father! I was born this way. You can’t teach me to be anything else, no matter what you try. That is just another reason why I can’t live with you."

His father decided to try another tactic. "If you don’t come back home, I’ll cut off your tuition money."

"You can’t do that! It’s my money, some of it I earned!"

"I’m your executor and you’re been pretty irresponsible lately. You can’t be trusted with your money. You could be using it to pay for your degenerate lifestyle with that boyfriend of yours. You need to come home so that I can watch out for you until this little phase of yours has passed. You’re seventeen, Edward. You don’t know what you want."

"You have a lot of nerve. How can you talk about my lifestyle? You want me to be like you? What, being a drunk will make me a man?"

Carlisle burst into the office a split second too late to stop the backhand to Edward’s jaw but quickly enough to stop any further abuse. Masen Sr. was being held in the air by one hand around his neck as Edward screamed for Carlisle to put his father down. Carlisle only saw red and fought to resist the urge to crush the man’s neck to a pulp.

"Please, Carlisle!"

Carlisle loosened his grip, allowing Masen Sr.’s feet to touch the floor. No sooner had the vampire released him, Edward’s father slumped over clutching his chest, soon falling to the floor, unconscious.

"Edward, get me the AED and call a code."

Shocked, Edward didn’t move.

"Edward!" Edward raced out of the office as Carlisle started CPR. He returned with the device and Carlisle applied the paddles as the boy called for the code team. Masen Sr.’s heart was shocked back into a normal sinus rhythm by the time the team had gotten there. Oxygen was applied and an IV was started before he was transported to the critical care unit.

Distraught, Edward stayed by his father’s side, refusing to budge unless procedures had to be done. Jasper checked on him periodically throughout his rounds.

Carlisle felt terrible for what he had caused and for what Edward was going through. He was also afraid that Edward blamed him -- it seemed as if he could do nothing but cause the boy pain.

Chapter 8

carlisle/edward, slash, vbb, author: sandraj60, northern general

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