OOC: Log//The melody is surrounded by the love, fly to the sky

Jul 30, 2009 01:47

Who: Rinali Li sanctus_memoria //OPEN TO ANYONE.
When: Shortly after her post
Where: Portside town.
Rating: PG, Subject to change though not too likely.
Summary: Wanting to clear her head as well and think about the offer given to her about the Marines, Rinali heads to the towns on shore to think it over and find some treats for friends.
Notes: None so far.
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open to all, mallow-log

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Comments 54

ooc: because I'm in a logging mood and the Vongola ship is near his justicereigns July 30 2009, 09:35:18 UTC
Smoker wandered into town alone. There was still a few more days before he'd be cleared of all suspicion and put back in action but in the meanwhile there was only so much of the same scenery he could take before it started feeling like being cramped back at Loguetown again. It was dangerous leaving Portgas and Azula alone together but Tashigi was there now and Portgas was out like a light. The commodore hated the restrictions placed on him but if nothing else at least it had given him time to catch up on a few things. Favors he owed other people, keeping tags on some of the other-world Grand Line newcomers ( ... )


sanctus_memoria July 30 2009, 10:17:35 UTC
Still rather in a daze with wondering just what to do on many aspects of the situations at hand, Rinali turned with her mind half aware to her surroundings. She was still keeping a mental tab on what all she wanted to buy for her friends and the people she'd become close with in the short time she was here. What she didn't notice also, was that the man who told her about the marines was walking towards her.

When she took a step forward, she slammed into his chest and fell backwards onto her rear. "O-Ouch.." She winced while she rubbed her tailbone and looked up at what she hit. "Ah! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to--Oh! I-It's you!" She stammered and hurried to get up. "I hope I didn't hurt you!"


justicereigns July 30 2009, 10:39:04 UTC
Quite the opposite it seemed. Smoker reached out a hand to help pull her up. Girls bumping into him were the norm thanks to Tashigi's innate clumsiness. "I've had worse," he replied dryly, not actually apologizing even though it was probably his fault. He glanced down at the packages and helped to pick those up as well. "How hurt are you?" he frowned, more in worry than upset himself. He focused his eyes. She looked familiar. "Rinali Lee," he tried to soften the expression on his face though it didn't help much, "If you do decide to join my crew I'll have to keep you away from my Ensign if you're usually this clutzy." It was said jokingly, but unlikely to come across the way he meant it.


sanctus_memoria July 30 2009, 11:01:06 UTC
She took his hand and pulled herself up with a small blush tinting her cheeks. "Thank you." She said softly.

"Worse? Oh! I'm sorry you've had to endear such." She said with a small smile before he realized who she was. A small laugh played from her lips behind fingertips. "Yes, sir. And I assure you, I'm not this bad usually. I was just lost in my thoughts." She explained and held out her hands for the bags he helped lift up. "It's nice to meet you in person!"


erasedpages July 30 2009, 15:14:30 UTC
With the power of his hammer, Lavi was able to reach the docks without any problems. He let out a yawn and placed both his hands behind his head. From where he stood, he couldn't see Rinali. She was expecting him, sort of, so she couldn't be too far. With this in mind, the red head made his way towards the town.


sanctus_memoria July 30 2009, 21:02:43 UTC
Rinali stepped away from the window she was staring at and past the crowd back a bit closer to where she dropped down. Her attention was caught by a familiar red head and she held up an arm and waved. "Lavi!" She called out to her friend.


erasedpages July 30 2009, 21:08:26 UTC
His eyes were gazing about. Surprisingly, the town didn't seem too different from the places he was already used to. However, the clothing was a bit more colorful than he would of expected. About to walk in a different direction, a voice called out to him. Lavi looked over his shoulder to see Rinali in the distance. He immediately began towards her. "Hey."


sanctus_memoria July 30 2009, 21:12:11 UTC
She attempted not to run into a group of people as she tried to manuver past them to where her friend was. "H-Hello. I'm sorry I wandered off." She apologized and glanced up at him. "So many things here to see." She mused with a faint smile as she looked around the buildings then back up at him.


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sanctus_memoria July 30 2009, 21:04:15 UTC
Her attention was caught by the smaller girl and she waved at her, calling her name for good measure to make sure it really was her. "Miss Lady! Miss Lady over here!" She said while asking a few people to excuse her as she shoved between them, not wanting to lose sight of the smaller girl.


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sanctus_memoria July 31 2009, 07:04:44 UTC
"I officially signed up with Mr. Smoker Captain! It looks like we're both heading into the marines together." She said with a small smile despite the ache she still had from Lavi, but still, it was for the best and she shouldn't feel that way about her friends. As long as they were happy.


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