Undercover work

Feb 24, 2009 20:42

For more than a day after leaving Myra's apartment, The Shadow is unreachable. Wary of being searched, he hides his PINpoint in a secure spot after returning to the city controlled by Khan. Well disguised and using the name of Johnny Liu, he familiarizes himself with the city, and works his way into employment at a pawn shop known as the Silver Dragon. In the back of the shop lies an exclusive tea parlor, and behind that, access to the underground catacombs of Chinatown. The proprieter of the shop is an elegant woman who goes by the name of Ming Dwan.
His employer is surprisingly polite and easy to work for, and several incidents of being in the right place at the right time quickly raise him in her estimation. Much of his work involves cataloguing and moving stolen goods, and he is impressed with the control and monitoring of the goods. Ming is polite, but she runs a tight ship. The penalty for stealing from the boss is one not to be entertained, and he hears rumours among his fellow workers of how fast and ruthlessly Ming deals with anyone who crosses her. The polite manners cover a cold indifference that easily rivals his own.
As soon as he feels it's safe to do so, The Shadow retrieves his PINpoint and privately sends several messages, giving Myra initial impressions and the more readily obvious facts about her alternate. Over the next few days the messages continue. In particular he becomes aware of how extensive Khan's hold is, revealed in a confidence that has made it easy to insinuate himself into the lower ranks. No one would dare to stand against Khan, and Ming is one of the most favoured of his lieutenants, therefore they're very slow to expect any duplicity on his part. Certainly Ming is in need of a few new employees, since she has mysteriously lost a few.

Whenever he has a safe chance to do so, The Shadow relays information to Myra about the world and her alternate, including minute details of make-up and any physical mannerisms that do not match up with hers. In a matter of days, he has sent her a surprising mass of information, and is growing interested in making his move in the next stage of their plans. He has watched Ming's schedule closely, and worked out times and opportunites that would be best for her abduction, but the replacement will have to be done swiftly.

khan's ny

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