Title: Don't Stand so close to me Fandom: Torchwood- Gwen and Jack Pairing: Gwen and Jack Summary: Because I so don't ship Gwen and Jack. At all. Link: Sendspace Link
XD Great vid. I really enjoyed it and I love the song you picked. It really brings a whole new perspective to Jack and Gwen's relationship that I never really thought of before.
For the record, I *do* 'ship Jack/Gwen and I still loved this. Because even though the parallel isn't perfect--Gwen's not underage, so it's not statutory rape like the song is about--there is a rather creepy undercurrent to their relationship, which I think also comes through in the one vid a friend and I made of them. :-)
To be perfectly honest, there's a rather creepy undercurrent to all of Jack's relationships on Torchwood, IMO. Which is quite possibly why I mostly OT5. ;-)
Comments 4
To be perfectly honest, there's a rather creepy undercurrent to all of Jack's relationships on Torchwood, IMO. Which is quite possibly why I mostly OT5. ;-)
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