Spoiler policy:You cannot use episodic images from season 3 until 1 week after the American air date of each episode. This includes any and all episode related season three behind the scenes pictures, promo images, etc. If you use any images from season three, please note so in your post to the community.
Round:Information:1. You must be a member to participate in a round.
2. You must be signed-up to participate in the current round. If you missed the sign-ups for the current round, feel free to join and watch the comm for the next round's sign-ups.
3. Round participants will be given posting access when the round info is posted.
4. Each round will consist of 10 themes icons, a category set of five icons, and an artist's choice set of five icons.
5. All icons must be the work of the participant. Do not steal other people's icons and post them as your own; do not edit other people's artwork and post it as icons.
6. All icons must be stills, unless animation is part of the theme.
7. All icons must be 100x100 pixels (unless otherwise indicated), no larger than 40kb, and in .png, .jpg, or. gif file format.
8. All icons must be PG/PG-13 rated (no nudity, etc). If you aren't sure if an icon's content is acceptable, please contact one of the mods and ask.
9. All icons must be new and made specifically for the round.
Schedule:1. Round sign-ups open on the 15th and last through the end of the month or until there are 25 participants for the upcoming round. If there are 25 participants before the end of the month, round info will be posted early.
2. Round info is posted and the challenge starts on the 1st of the month.
3. The round ends on the 20th of the month.
4. Voting goes up on the 21st.
5. Results will be posted the day after voting ends.
Posting:1. When posting, use the provided table coding. Do not edit the table coding. If there is a problem with the coding, please contact a mod.
2. Please post your completed 20in20 set to your own journal or community. Your post to
sanctuary20in20 should include a link back to your original post and two teaser icons.
3. Your 20in20 icon post must remain public until the results for the round are posted.
4. Icons can be posted anytime after the round info post is posted on the 1st and before midnight on the 20th.
5. Posting is moderated; your post will not appear immediately.
6. A mod will tag your entry.
7. If your post somehow does not follow the community rules, it will be deleted from the queue and a mod will send you a PM instructing you how to fix the error. You can then resubmit your entry to the comm.
Voting:1. When voting, vote for the icon/set with the best technique. Do not vote for an icon/set on the basis that it features your favorite character/ship/artist/etc. This is considered cheating and you will be banned.
2. You do not need to be a member of the community to vote but you must have a livejournal account. Anonymous voting is not allowed.
3. When voting, please comment to the voting post with the following votes: the best icon per theme, the best three category sets, the best four category icons, the best three artist's choice sets, and the best four artist's choice icons. Votes are not counted according to preference; the order of your votes does not matter.
4. Please use the provided forms when voting.
Cheating:1. Do not vote for yourself.
2. Do not ask your friends to vote for you. (Do not have your friends ask people to vote for you.)
3. Do not cheat. Those who are found to have cheated will be banned from the community and will not be allowed to participate in future rounds.
Schedule:1. Voting will be posted the day after each round closes and will remain open for two days (approximately 48 hours). (For example, the 21st & the 22nd.)
2. Any tie breakers will be posted the day after that and will remain open for one day.
3. Round results will be posted the next day.
Awards:Banners will be awarded to the winners of the following categories:1. Theme: one per theme and five mod's choice.
2. Category sets: first through third place and one mod's choice.
3. Category icons: first through fourth place and four mod's choice.
4. Artist's Choice sets: first through third place and one mod's choice.
5. Artist's Choice icons: first through fourth place and four mod's choice.
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