Title: Meet me in New York. Epilogue
sanannGenre: RPS, slash
Pairing: Andrew/Jesse
Word count: ~900
Beta: awesome
twivamp92 Disclaimer: I own nothing
Warnings: Andrew and Jesse being their adorable selves
Summary: This is a story about Andrew coming to New York to shoot the new Spider-Man movie and Jesse being happy to see his best friend. This is
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Comments 21
I loved this. I think I need to reread again and again to really let it all settle in!
When I was writing this story, I got so emotionally involved in this, in their feelings and relationship, building up their world, that I felt pretty vulnerable posting this story and letting them go, and sharing all these emotions.
And then, there was no comment, and I was like, okay, just because nobody loved you like I did, doesn't mean that you aren't worth it, because you are precious, and I'm proud you let me walk all the way with you, and it's okay if I'm still the one who knows you.
Even if this sounds weird, it is just how I feel.
And then, you posted this comment, and you loved this story, and I was like, OMG, this story is appreciated and loved not only by me, and I'm so happy I could share this and someone felt the same.
So, yeah.
Thank you for loving this story and commenting *hugs*
it was absolutely fantastic.
well done
I was pretty depressed yesterday, in some kind of state of emotional turmoil.
And I gave so much to this story and no one was interested, and I felt like it is there for everyone to poke but not to love.
Like, I left it there to be open and vulnerable, and no one really cared.
Well, like it needed to be protected, y'know?!
So, I decided to lock it and leave it available to only one person who commented for that person to read it when he wants.
Not because I was trying to punish someone or something like that, I just felt that it will be fair to my story, for me to protect it.
And as my emotional state was unstable yesterday, I decided it is fair to give my story another day and see if everyone else needs it.
So, I'm happy you loved it, and that you felt all those emotions.
Basically, you are the one who saved this story from being unaccessible.
Thank you *hugs*
P.S. it sounds crazy, I know.
I am a bit honored I saved this as well, because it's too beautiful to hide.
Again thank you for this spectacular piece of art, I needed it when I first read it, and I surely will again sometime soon!
Stay Excellent(:
Now, that's a motivation to write more))
I want them to just get married already :'(
Wonderful and just my heart aches for these two beautiful people, I believe they are together, far to much evidence to deny.
I do believe what they have is special and more than just a friendship. You can't manufacture the feelings these two have for each other. It's all in their eyes.
And I'm happy they allowed us to witness this intangible amazing feeling all of us wish to have.
My heart = shattered on the floor.u
I just needed to tell this story, to express all my emotions, the way I see them.
And, of course, NY Soho date! I just had to write this scene for it to be perfect, all the pictures and songs... I wanted everyone to see how perfect what they have is, how special, how they make me feel.
So happy you felt it and loved it.
Glad you loved it.
I think Jesse will have some sort of panic attack if he finds this story)) But Andrew... he may think it's funny or cute, or who the hell knows, but no, no panic attack))
Anyway, yes, I hope they are dating, because when they are together, they are shining with happiness, and I want them to be happy.
If someone looked at me the way they look at each other, I'd know that I was loved. So.
Thanks again))
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