Here's the table again for good measure <3 -------------------------------------------------------------
"I figgered you two would be the ones I talked to about this," Jounouchi said. It was the first time that Yami had been in the same room with Yuugi in almost a month. But if anyone brought the two of them together, it would be Jounouchi.
He needed advice about something or other, and Yami wasn't going to let his feud with Yuugi stop him from being a good friend. Yuugi hadn't objected so there they were, Yami learning over the counter in the kitchen and Yuugi sitting on the couch in the living room, seated in one of the adjacent chairs.
"...I, uh..." Jounouchi started. "I have a problem." He shifted uncomfortably, hands in his pockets as though he didn't want to be there. But Jou was used to their antics and if he was coming to them for help, there were only a few things that it could be about.
"Obviously," Yami quipped, rolling his eyes. "What is it?"
"...there's a girl I'm goin' out wit right now," he continued. "But we're not official yet or anythin'. She has another guy she might have feelings for? So that's weird."
"Ugh. Baggage?" Yami groaned. Not that he could talk. Jounouchi fixed him with an annoyed stare that echoed the same sentiment.
"Well," Yuugi said, "you'll just have to wait for her to choose what she wants. It may not be you. She might not be ready for her to leave, to be moving on. It's not fair to her - or the other guy - to date her while she's with someone else."
"Uhh..." Jou stammered, clearly not happy with that answer.
Yami completely disagreed with Yuugi on that topic. If a person was dating, they weren't committed in his opinion. He would have had no qualms dating someone who was dating someone else, so long as he felt good about the relationship. Yuugi was right in that a choice would have to be made, eventually. In general, though, Yami was a fan of people defining their own relationship perimeters. As long as all people involved were aware of what was happening and agree to participate, then it didn't matter what anyone thought.
But with Jounouchi's response, it was hard to tell what the problem actually was. For all they knew, he could've been setting up to ask them about something completely different. "Whatever's bothering you, please do spit it out. We don't have all day," Yami said, "and we can't read anyone's mind but each other’s - at least, not anymore."
It was a jab at worst, the truth stated clearly at best. Jou wouldn't recognize it, though.
"I have all day," Yuugi said with a smile, just to be contrary, and Yami frowned.
Jounouchi just shook his head. He still looked as nervous and uncomfortable as before, pacing across the kitchen floor instead of standing still. "Look - this girl, she - she wants... to date us both. I mean, she wants to have two boyfriends at the time? I dunno how else to put it."
Yami thought he had heard incorrectly at first. "What?" He just couldn't imagine Jounouchi being in that sort of relationship, honestly. Their best friend was many things and traditional was chief among them. Even while he was with Yuugi, it had seemed best to leave him out of their affairs. So something like this was probably out of Jounouchi's league.
"She wants us both to be her boyfriends. At the same time," Jou repeated, a more comfortably this time.
The two of them, Yami and Yuugi, erupted into questions simultaneously. "Is she sure she knows what she's asking?" Yuugi asked. "She wants to date you both separately? Or together in a relationship?"
"So what's the problem - do you not like the other guy?" was Yami's question. It seemed the obvious thing to inquire about and he was pretty sure that the other person being a man was probably the problem.
"Wait, wait," Jou said, holding his hands up. "Yes, she knows what she's asking - she wants us together. No, I don't like the other guy. I barely know him. But..." His posture was sheepish, as though he was hiding.
Yami made sure to make eye contact, because he was very sure he knew what Jou was reluctant to admit. "But you like her." He knew all about making sacrifices for people he was attracted to. That very logic was why, for example he and Marik had lasted for so long together. But in the end, in spite of his faults, it turned out to be a sacrifice that he couldn't maintain and they fell apart.
Jounouchi nodded. "I...I've already gone out on a couple dates with them," he confessed in a small voice.
"But, Jou," Yuugi complained, "you don't like men."
"Do you?" Yami followed up. It wasn't as though that couldn't change. In fact, just dating the two of them could be the thing that changed it.
"No - no!" he answered defensively. "But, look - I'm worried, guys. I think she's gonna want a threesome wit this guy. I don't do guys." Jou shook his head, hands up and running through his hair. "So I guess I wanna ask, like, if it's even possible to do that without, um--"
"Hmm," Yuugi said, lost in thought.
Wow, he's in deep. It seemed the option was already being considered, if Jounouchi as talking about it that way. Not that Yami thought anything of it in particular. Both Jou and Yuugi had seen him at his worst. At certain points of his life he'd done some very questionable things - certainly more dubious than maybe touching a guy during a threesome. Under those circumstances, it was difficult to have much concern for what others thought. And to be honest, it seemed like more than anything, Jounouchi cared more about how his decisions made him look, rather than what he'd decided. Yami had absolutely no doubt that there were important parts of the story missing - whoever this other guy was, he couldn't have been that bad, not if Jounouchi had gone on more than one date with them.
To be honest, Yami was all for it. If Jou liked this girl enough to fuck her at the same time as some other guy, what difference did it make? "Try not to pay attention to him, then - I guess," he offered, crossing his arms. "Look, you like this girl, right? And you already agreed to this - or to consider it at least - by dating them. Right?"
And that was the part that was missing.
"I guess," Jou said slowly, shrugging.
But that wouldn't do anyone any good, pretending that he wasn't involved. Indifference didn't make Jou look better at all, so Yami was frank. "So, if you want to fuck her," he said, "you're just going to have to swallow your pride and deal with it."
"Taking part in a threesome doesn't make you gay, in my opinion," Yuugi piped up, and Yami was glad that they could agree on something without being petty about it. "If that's what you're worried about." They were all on the same page finally, all aware of what was and wasn't being said. Now Jounouchi could actually get advice.
"I agree," Yami stated boldly. His and Yuugi's eyes met for just a moment, and then they both looked away. "Once you're into it, anyway, you won't even care about the other guy. Just focus on the girl. That's who your attention is on, right?"
"Y-yeah," Jou sighed. "Yami, why I do I feel like you're talkin' from experience?"
The response was a shrug. Yami had nothing to hide. "Because I am." Not that this conversation as the time to get into it, but it had been an altogether interesting experience.
"Don't let him get to you," Yuugi added. His lips ticked into a frown for just a second, but Jounouchi didn't appear to notice. "He had to agree to the threesome situation, too--"
"--so he's probably not out to get you," Yami finished. "Just don't bother judging yourself about it. If you feel like people won't understand--you're not obligated to share."
No one knew that we were together, Yami thought, and his eyes found Yuugi's again when he heard a lighter voice in his head, thinking the same thought. It was a little annoying to see that they were still in sync, even while not getting along. Finishing each other's thoughts and things like that only reminded him of how wrong it was that they weren't talking. He didn't want the pressure of trying to make things up quickly. Being here with Jounouchi didn't mean everything was all right.
Jou took a deep breath. "I've never done something this crazy before. Or even thought about maybe doing something like this."
It's not as though that's not obvious, Yami thought, and rolled his eyes. Then, he decided to do a bit of teasing. "What we'll do for love--"
"I don't know if I love her."
Well that got very serious, very quickly. "But you care a lot."
"Yeah..." Jounouchi said. "I guess that's all I needed. A kick in the ass. I don't... I don’t always talk to people about stuff like this. Thanks guys," he added, almost as an aside. Yami knew that people were embarrassed to talk about related things, so he let Jou's awkwardness go unteased this time. "Thanks for not freaking out about it."
Yuugi nodded and smiled. "I'm glad that we could help."
"Anytime," Yami added.
Neither of them wanted to let on that anything was out of the ordinary, so they both stayed put, and silent. It was just as Yuugi had said. They were obligated to share, either. Jou thanked them again before stepping out, and the two of them were left alone together.
It looked as though Yuugi wanted to ask a question but instead, when Jounouchi was out of sight retreated to his room.