Book meme

Oct 02, 2008 18:01

Grab the nearest book.
* Open the book to page 56.
* Find the fifth sentence.
* Post the text of the next two to five sentences in your journal along with these instructions.
* Don't dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one: pick the CLOSEST

He wisely resolved to be particularly careful that no sign of admiration ( Read more... )

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Comments 13

blairette October 2 2008, 06:56:15 UTC
Lady Nafisa made no pretence of scanning the paper. "My informant says not... Your real name is Ashraf al-Mansur. Under Ottoman law you hold the rank of 'bey', which entitles you to a post in the Public Service."

From Pashazade, by JC Grimwood - and it is in fact a sci-fi.


mkcs October 2 2008, 09:04:57 UTC
It is possible that some of the books I've lent you may be improving (*trying hard to think, and coming up with Patricia McKillip, but not much else*), but this one didn't occur to me because of that at all! I just think it's witty and thought you might enjoy.


san_grail October 2 2008, 09:35:09 UTC
Indeed. ;)
It was meant as a joke/with affection. I think I was thinking of guitar etc (learning an instrument, to drink tea, and be good social compary!). Given I'd just finished the last chapter!

You lend me books because they're goood! And based on good acquaintance with me, have the taste to judge that I'll enjoy them!

(And I'll very much hope that my language patterns go back to normal on the morrow ;) ).


pombagira October 2 2008, 09:37:09 UTC
awww.. but we love you no matter your language patterns..



san_grail October 2 2008, 09:38:45 UTC

*hugs back*


ext_75726 October 2 2008, 15:01:03 UTC
P&P is good.
Persuasion is my personal favorite, though.

Are you reading it now/have you read it before? How did/are you enjoying it?


san_grail October 2 2008, 15:50:02 UTC
It was my first read and I've just finished it.

I joked to some friends that I wasn't very suuuure about this book.
No fantasy? No deaths? No scientific discoveries? Timetravel? Nada?
It's just about... people? Getting married etc?
Isn't that what the epilogues are for?

Heh. Well, ummm. I guess that wasn't entirely incorrect, given how much is summed in the last chapter of 4 pages!

And yes, I enjoyed it. :)


ext_75726 October 2 2008, 15:52:47 UTC
It's just about... people? Getting married etc?
Isn't that what the epilogues are for?

Heh. :D


mkcs October 3 2008, 08:52:29 UTC
"No fantasy? No deaths? No scientific discoveries? Timetravel? Nada?"

Meh. Most of the books you like that I'm aware of are also about vocational search and moral dilemmas. I was pretty sure you'd like it.


ext_75726 October 2 2008, 15:05:23 UTC
This smelly oil also can be expelled from their bills as a deterrent for intruders. Tubenoses occur in all oceans, although most are found only in the Southern Hemisphere.

- Birds of North America

(Alex is going through a bird phase)


yoja_young October 5 2008, 03:15:55 UTC
Haha YA fantasy! I'm not the only one!


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