Good people in evil situations may become evil. (Thanks to
bohemianrapsody for the link, and to
memegarden for pointing me to
her postI must ask: What happens when an entire country, or an entire world, is placed in an evil situation
Read more... )
Comments 6
Encourage people to vote.
Set a positive example. Live a life of love and respect, rather than hatred and greed.
Join forces with like-minded people, such as MoveOn.Org and TrueMajority.Org. Give money and/or time.
If you're religious, pray for peace.
Ask others to do the same.
See, that's what conservatives will never understand. No sane person disputes that Saddam was an animal. Few reasonable people suggest that Iraqis are worse off now than they were before the war. No, we are angry at Bush & Co. because they are fighting war for war's sake, and for no other reason. They are glorifying war as a primary good--good for the world, good for America, good for you and me. And next year--the draft.
all i can do is think and educate and try to appeal to people to give up the easy answers and strt working on figuring out what they really want.
sigh. enough blathering.
it's interesting to me that under the uniform code of military justice, "i was just following orders" isn't considered a sufficient defense for anything. at the same time, *not* following legal orders is also a violation of the ucmj and punishable. i don't thinkt he military really explains this sufficiently to people -- they emphasize the whole "must follow orders" bit but leave out the "must not follow illegal orders, and here's how to tell the difference" part.
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