Title: Gin no Shunkan Author: samurai_jun Fandom: Prince of Tennis Pairing: Shishido/Ootori Rating: PG-13 Warnings: AU, possible OOC, shounen-ai Disclaimer: Not mine
Gah! I'm so far behind! I read Tsuki no Houshi over on FF.net and didn't even realise you had the sequel out already. So imagine my surprise when I found it while just randomly poking around lj.
Love what you have so far. I can't wait to read the rest. And I totally love the idea of sewing sequins on your shirt. It will look so Kira Kira.
Oh dear... what's Atobe gonna do? *hates Atobe even more but somehow I think I may end up liking him in the end - he does have moment of being magnanimous aka wishful thinking on my part*
HUZZAH! New chapter was uploaded~! ^______^ I loved Shisido and Ootori's developing friendship. I must admit though, I wibbled a bit. ;___; Ootori's condition just...depresses me. *sniffles* As for the last scene..? All I can say is this:
OH SNAP! Good god I have that frickin' rap song playing in my head now. ><
XDDD I am so hunting down that song 'Kaze no Shijin' by Shirota Yuu though. ;DD I'm not a Seramyu fan, but I am a huge Tenimyu fan, plus, I like Shirotan's voice. XP The translation is nice too, so that helped.
Update soon though! That cliffy...o____O I'm quite sure I'm not the only one on the edge of her seat.
OH! I forgot to say something else. ^^;; The sequins..? I think is an excellent idea for a sparkly 'Kira Kira' effect. ^______^ Or maybe becuase I'm a huge AibaFuji fan..? XD
But if you do cosplay as Fuji, make sure to upload pics! I want to see how it turns out. :D
Ooh..good. NUOOO CLIFFIE!!! *imagines Atobe* Not a pretty sight...(Hm...perhaps Shishido's room has a secret passage like in Parvati's room in the book Shiva's Fire? *makes random connections and hopes*)
Comments 12
Love what you have so far. I can't wait to read the rest. And I totally love the idea of sewing sequins on your shirt. It will look so Kira Kira.
Will wait patiently for more!
rofl <3~ Amazing, it's all so angsty~ hence intriguing =D
But as for the cosplay thing...I cant help, ive only watched like DL 1 and Hyoutei Winter~ *doesn't have enough time* D=
OH SNAP! Good god I have that frickin' rap song playing in my head now. ><
XDDD I am so hunting down that song 'Kaze no Shijin' by Shirota Yuu though. ;DD I'm not a Seramyu fan, but I am a huge Tenimyu fan, plus, I like Shirotan's voice. XP The translation is nice too, so that helped.
Update soon though! That cliffy...o____O I'm quite sure I'm not the only one on the edge of her seat.
But if you do cosplay as Fuji, make sure to upload pics! I want to see how it turns out. :D
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