Never Say Never 2/?

Dec 15, 2010 19:38

Pairing/s: Kurt/Sam friendship leading to eventual slash, any other canon couples may be mentioned.

Rating: PG still

Fic summary: As the bullylng gets worse, Sam notices and an odd friendship is formed.

Previous chapter:

Author's notes: Wow thank you everyone who commented on the first chapter, I'm glad you all like it - I usually just write for myself! I would reply to you all individually but the last week of university is hectic, hence the slight delay in getting this chapter up. I'm not as keen on this chapter but anyway. Hope you enjoy!
Oh and by the way I've assumed Sam's full name is Samuel, it seemed the most likely option.

Chapter 2

The next day Sam loitered in the parking lot until he saw Kurt arrive.

“Hey!” he called, jogging over.

“Um, hi. What’s up?”

“Nothing. Just remembered we have Spanish together first period so-“

“You wouldn’t have happened to also ‘remember’ that first thing in the morning tends to be my main dumpster time?” Kurt asked suspiciously as they walked past some jocks assembled near the dumpster.

“Well...yeah” Sam admitted. “It’s worked hasn’t it? You aren’t in a dumpster yet”

“No but I bet your reputation is going down by walking with the gay kid”

“Hey LADIES” a jock called as he past them.

“Eh I’ve been getting that since I joined Glee” Sam answered in response to Kurt’s ‘told you so’ look.

“Right” Kurt answered unbelievingly.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Midway through Spanish Kurt got a note which he opened curiously.

Wanna come to mine after Glee? Got to wacth Singing in the Rain - better to do it wiv sum1 who wnot let me fall asleep. S

Haven’t you destroyed your rep enough today? K.

...How will people no?

...Fair point but if they DO find out then consider yourself forewarned.

So is that a yes? :D

I suppose so. :)

“What class do you have next?” Sam asked as the bell rang.


“No way, what a crazy random happenstance”

“You’re not in my history class” Kurt pointed out.

“No but I have Geography two doors over. So might as well walk with you”

“Smooth.” Kurt replied. “And let me guess there’s going to be a reason for you to walk with me everywhere?”

“Possibly” Sam said shiftily.

“Sam I’m not a little kid who needs protecting”

“I know. But I can’t just ignore it. So I figure if walking with me gets you bullied even slightly less then why not?”

“Ruining your reputation?”

“This is more important”

“Uh huh, somehow I don’t see Quinn agreeing”

“Come on we’re going to be late” Sam cut in quickly, grabbing his bag and walking out.


True to his word, Sam met Kurt after History. This time as they walked through the school they were rewarded with slushie facials.

“Told you so” Kurt said with cherry slushie dripping down him.

“Oh wow you’re right I can never walk with you again” Sam responded.

“Is that sarcasm Samuel? It really doesn’t suit you”

“Whatever” Sam sighed as they started making their way to the nearest bathroom.

Once they managed to clean most of the mess off their faces Kurt disappeared into a stall to change his outfit, leaving Sam to look at his slushie covered t-shirt and wish he had had the forethought to do the same. Kurt seemed to think the same thing as when he reappeared he rifled through his bag before producing a jacket.

“Here, this should fit you” he said, throwing it to Sam. “It’s big on me so should be normal for you”

“Um thanks, How many spare outfits do you have?”

“A few”

“How many do you get through?!”

“Nice. Subtle way of asking how much I get bullied a day - I’m impressed”

“You haven’t answered my question”

“Did you really think I would?” Kurt asked sceptically.

“Not really. I’m going to keep asking you know”

Kurt stopped. “Why do you care? You barely know me”

“Do I need a reason?”

“Now who’s avoiding questions” Kurt said pointedly.

“We have English” Sam muttered as he left, Kurt following with a curious expression on his face.


“You seem bothered about something” Kurt commented later as they walked to lunch.

“I was just thinking...have you noticed how much Mr Hainsworth looks like Mr Smee from Peter Pan?”

Kurt burst out laughing, Sam following suit as they entered the cafeteria.

“So who would be Captain Hook?” Kurt asked through his laughter.

“Coach Sylvester obviously. And Mr Schie would so be Peter Pan”

“The boy who never wants to grow up - oh I love it!”

“What are you two laughing at?” Finn asked as they sat at the Glee table.

“Oh nothing” Kurt answered, managing to contain his laughter until Sam nodded at Finn and mouthed ‘the crocodile’ which set him off again.

“Seriously dude!”

“You wouldn’t get it” Sam said.

“I might...hey isn’t that Kurt’s jacket?”

“We got slushied and Sam didn’t come prepared Kurt told Finn as he composed himself.

“Oh right” Finn said confusedly before going back to his conversation with Artie.


“Hey ladylips” Azimio stopped to jeer on his way out later.

“Hey” Sam replied calmly, clocking how Karofsky had his hands resting on Kurt’s shoulders in what could have passed as a friendly way if Kurt wasn’t wincing. “Ready to go Kurt?”

“Sure” Kurt replied, standing up quickly.

“Since when have those two been friends?” Artie questioned as they walked out together.

“I dunno but it’s weird” Finn commented.

“I think it’s sweet” Rachel declared. “Kurt needs a friend; he’s been lonely since the atheist and duet competition debacles if you guys hadn’t noticed”

“I’ll get Mercedes to ask him about it later” Tina said to break the silence that had fallen.


Sam isn’t sure how exactly it happens. One minute he’s walking to Glee with Kurt and the next Kurt is flying into a locker.

“HEY” Sam yells as he runs after Azimio, catching him off guard as he shoves him. “How do you like it?!”

When he turns back to where Kurt was the smaller boy has disappeared. Ignoring the wave of panic Sam runs past the lockers and into the closest bathroom.

“What the hell?!” he called as he rounded the corner to see that Karofsky had Kurt pinned against the wall.

Upon seeing Sam, Karofsky let go of Kurt abruptly, letting the smaller boy fall to the floor and barging into Sam on his way out.

“Are you ok?” Sam asked worriedly as he helped Kurt up.

“I’m fine” Kurt sighed, making sure his outfit hadn’t creased in the confrontation.

“Why on earth has he got such a problem with you?!”

“Has anyone seen Sam or Kurt?” Mr Schue asked.

“They were together earlier” Artie provided.

“Sorry we’re late Mr Schue” Kurt said as they walked in.

“Peter Pan” Sam whispered, correcting him. Getting a thin smile from Kurt in reply.

“It’s ok - take a seat guys”

“Still up for Singing in the Rain?” Sam checked as they took their seats and Mr Schue started talking.

“Of course, you don’t get out of it that easy Evans”

“I just thought-“

“Sam this is less bullying than an ordinary day for me - I’m fine. I’m not a china doll”

“Good job or you’d be smashed by now” Sam muttered to himself darkly.

author: janto_mcdean, fic rating: pg, character: sam evans, ship: sam/kurt, character: kurt hummel

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