the REQUEST post

Dec 29, 2009 17:25

27TH, 2010.

I'm opening requests again!! PLEASE READ THIS! THANK YOU DEARS :)
So, I can make for you, icons, banners, and friends only banners.
I make stock and multi-fandom. Whatever you like I can make for you!
This is important, so read this line! I will only except requests Monday-Friday.
On Saturday and Sunday I will make all the requests that were made that week.
I will post the icons on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday in one post.
So if you make a request one week check my journal for the graphic on that following weekend.
Feel free to request as many things as you want (in reason!) and provide images if you want.
Please fill out this form when making a request::

Icon and/or Banner and/or Friends Only Banner::
Image link and/or description of the graphic::
if needed Specific Size (for banners only)::
Anything else??::



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