Snobs by Julian Fellowes

May 26, 2007 20:26

Book Title: Snobs
Author: Julian Fellowes
Genre: Fiction
My Grade: C
# of Pages: 265

Summary: Wodehouse gets a modern twist in this brilliantly acerbic tale of snobbery and marital tomfoolery in 1990s London. Our nameless protagonist, a jovial, perceptive sort of 30-something fellow hanging affably about the fringes of society, introduces his middle-class but sleek beautiful Edith Lavery to the earnest but dull Lord Charles Broughton. Much to the dismay of "civilized" society, Charles falls in love and proposes to the social-climbing but largely indifferent Edith. Even after she is married, Edith is snubbed and humiliated at every turn (in the slyest, politest way, of course), until she moves out in a huff with her married lover, Simon Russel, and actor/ego-on-legs who is eating up the publicity that comes with being seen with a countess and eager for this entrée into society (he doesn't realize Edith has been cast into the social dung heap). To Edith's consternation, the glittering world of theater turns out to be just as small-minded and dull as that of society, with the added disadvantage of it not involving money. Gossipy and dishy, this debut by the Oscar-winning screenwriter of Godsford Park is a merciless and hilarious sendup of snobbery and social jealousy, revealing the pettiness and self-absorption of both the envious and the envied.

My Thoughts: Read the summary, that's pretty much the book in it's entireity right there. And if you're debating about reading the book, that summary should take care of that and save you some time.

When I started reading this book I seriously debated stopping so many times, it was just so boring. I guess this should be a good indication I should never go to England and try the art of society climbing. Luckily about a quarter to half way into the book the story finally picked up a bit and I didn't feel I had to give it up.

I'll give Fellowes credit, it didn't read like a script (since that's what he's been writing until this) and both the language and characters were rich and full. The only thing lacking was a continuous push in the story, a nice flow.

I gave this book a C because in my opinion it fell as mediocre. I honestly think that anyone else can pick up this book and will either love it or hate it. It's such a toss up, so if you want to give it a try, don't let me stop you.

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