Title: Not Again Genre: Gen, humour Rating: PG Word count: 1958 Summary: People overhear the strangest things in coffee shops. Outsider POV. For the 1 Year Partay at spn_bigpretzel "Not Again" prompt table.
Thanks for reading. When I was working in a shop, I once had a guy come in early in the morning, covered in mud, with no shirt on. I would have loved to know what he'd been doing.
"My brother has eyes like a pup, but sometimes I wish he'd just shut up. His lectures, they go on and on until I wish that he was gone. But I know that soon I'll want him back coz loneliness, I cannot hack. I really love my little brother, and I know that I am not his mother. If he went, I'd miss his laughter And die with no one to look after. Sam, you're as annoying as can be Please, please please don't ever leave me."
This had me literally laughing out loud. Favourite line: "Maybe when he’d said ghost, what he’d really meant was cat. And by cursed he’d meant lost a bet. Yes, that must be it."
Comments 38
And now I'm picturing Dean writing prose or poetry while under this curse lol
"What rhymes with 'Shut up, Sam'?"
but sometimes I wish he'd just shut up.
His lectures, they go on and on
until I wish that he was gone.
But I know that soon I'll want him back
coz loneliness, I cannot hack.
I really love my little brother,
and I know that I am not his mother.
If he went, I'd miss his laughter
And die with no one to look after.
Sam, you're as annoying as can be
Please, please please don't ever leave me."
This had me literally laughing out loud. Favourite line: "Maybe when he’d said ghost, what he’d really meant was cat. And by cursed he’d meant lost a bet. Yes, that must be it."
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