Challenge 001: Drug of Choice by Deejay435. Ficlet

May 03, 2007 11:45

Title: Drug of Choice
Medium: Little ficlet
Challenge: OO1 Speed
Author: deejay435
Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Summary: The women of the SGC are surprised by Sam's answer.
Crossposted to my journal

“Speed provides the one genuinely modern pleasure.”
-Aldous Huxley

The women's locker room had been blissfully quiet when Sam started her shower, now it was buzzing with conversation. Sam opened her locker, briefly wondering why every woman on base was crowded around the small room.

Snippets of conversation she overheard as she dressed reminded her of the mandatory staff meeting SG1's mission schedule had made them fortunate enough to miss. None of them had been keen on sitting through a briefing on changes in the Air Force's drug policy.

"Mine's chocolate," laughed Captain Schaeffer at the next locker.

"Mine's expensive perfume."

Shrugging into her leather jacket, Sam barely wondered what the women were discussing, intent, for once, on actually leaving the base. It wasn't until her hand was on the door that the discussion became clear.

"Captain Carter? What's yours?"

Sam turned around, "Sorry. My what?"

Captain Schaeffer laughed, "We're sharing our drugs of choice. What's yours?"

"Oh. Speed." Sam smiled absently at the stunned faces as she left the room.

Later, as she bent low over the handlebars of her Indian, careening down the mountain, she thought maybe she should have explained a bit better.


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