3 drabbles for the 100 drabble challenge

Sep 30, 2006 01:17

Title: Muppet Imitates Life
Author: elfcat255
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Note: cuteness attack
Challenge #100 100 Challenge
Challenge #14 Muppets

Laughter came from the living room, two voices. One her daughter, the other Sam Carter.

Janet stood, watching as the women in her life rolled on the floor laughing hysterically at an episode of the Muppets.

The Chef was botching another recipe. She walked over sitting on the couch; looking down she asked, “What’s all the laughing about?”

Cassie regained her composure barely to answer, “Sam said that’s her in the kitchen.”

Sam looked up grinning and nodding.

“We know who gets dish duty now,” Janet replied.

Causing one voice to peal out in laughter and the other to groan

Title: Always Working
Author: elfcat255
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Rating: G
Spoilers: none
Warnings: nope
Challenge #100 100 Challenge
Challenge #18 Chores

Sam sat on the steps gazing at fruits of her labor. Looking at the list, she began checking items off. Cut grass…weeded flowerbeds…fixed stone walkway…re-hung tire swing…and changed oil in both cars. A very tiring but productive day, she thought. Suddenly a towel landed on her head, pulling it off as she twisted around she saw Janet standing in the back doorway.

“You’re all hot and sweaty; why not share a shower with me. You can wash my back,” Janet said grinning as she disappeared.

Sam mumbled, “A woman’s work is never done,” but smiled as she entered the house.

Title: Payment
Author: elfcat255
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Challenge #100 100 Challenge
Challenge #20 First Kisses

Janet asked a question. Sam offered. Janet accepted.

That’s how Sam spent her day off. On a rolling pad, underneath Janet’s car, changing oil and installing new brakes. Anything to help the doctor; Sam was developing quite the crush on her.

Hearing footsteps, Sam rolled out from under the car, wiping grease from her fingers. She stood up, facing the petite doctor.

“Done…and it didn’t cost you anything,” Sam grinned.

“I think it deserves a payment,” Janet replied.

Pulling Sam down, Janet placed a kiss upon her lips. Leaning back, she watched a smile break across the taller woman’s face.

challenge 14 :: muppets, ship :: sam/janet, author :: elfcat255, challenge 20 :: first kisses, challenge 18 :: chores

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