Tedious Challenge

Aug 30, 2007 14:51

Title: Tedious
Author: Wolfemeister
Fandom : Popular
Rating: PG~13
Disclaimers: They don’t belong to me, I get no profit, you know the rest.
Word count: 205

God this was so tedious was Sam’s thought. All she wanted was to go to her and Brooke’s shared stateroom and relax. But no here she stood waiving grumpily to hundreds of people she didn’t know while their cruise ship pulled away from the dock with agonizing slowness.
Her feelings must have been visible because Brooke leaned in and whispered huskily into her ear. “Smile Sammy, look like your having fun and I’ll make it worth your while when we get to our room.”
Sam’s face lit up like Times Square and she began to waive with renewed vigor.
Jane glancing over and was glad to see Sam’s foul mood had lifted and she seemed to be enjoying herself. If she’d known the real reason behind the happy glow on her daughters face she might not have been quite so pleased. But ignorance is bliss and even if she’d suspected the truth she was very, very, very good at denial.

drabbles: tedious

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