Apr 19, 2010 01:15

I so totally did very little this weekend, and I enjoyed every second of it!! what did I do? Other than catch a very good steak on fire (no worries, it still came out delicious!) and a couple of very much needed loads of laundry, I sat back and watched LOADS of TV, most of it with british accents. (LOADS was in the accent of course ( Read more... )


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Comments 5

theeverdream April 19 2010, 07:06:28 UTC
re: 7
I really liked Faith as well.
And oooh. I did not know Daniel was going to be back... :D:D *is excited*


beanpot April 19 2010, 10:54:18 UTC
re Tudors - I loved this show, but holy *Crap* did they screw up most of the historical stuff. I'd watch it with fellow Tudor history buffs and we be engrossed, then bitch about the glaring inaccuracies after the show. They have the gist, but oye.

That being said, good god I loved the show. Season 3 was sort of boring to me and I haven't seen season 4 yet so...


aurora_novarum April 19 2010, 15:02:13 UTC
Yep. The freeview of Showtime ended before I could finish Season 3. Boo! Didn't realize the dvds were out. will have to investigate. Didn't 4 just start a week or two ago?

It was amusing looking things up on "wikipedia" and seeing how they bitched out some of the big inaccuracies either in the actual historical figure's bios or the Tudors page.

And now I'm jonesing for some Alison Weir. :-)


sg_betty April 20 2010, 02:52:23 UTC
I'm actually loving Dr. Who-season 11. I thought that season 10 just got too grim and unfun--at least for me and Dr. Who. I also like it that the Dr. has made a return to more alien and nutty. I like Amy Pond, too.


ansostuff April 24 2010, 15:23:41 UTC
That is a whole lot of TV watching. I've seen a few eps of Andromedia - mostly to see what it was about and to see MS act in it of course. I'm going to watch the SGU episode with Daniel in this weekend and I hope it's good because SGU has done nothing for me thus far.

Love your icon. It's so "rare! of Daniel to say "cool, isn't it?" It's such a peak-into-relaxed-Daniel moment I think.


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