Richard Castle Rocks My Socks!!

Feb 11, 2010 19:44

OMG, I was in a book store this evening, and I found this on the shelf:

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Comments 13

aurora_novarum February 12 2010, 01:02:20 UTC
I think there's a couple of them actually. I can't remember who's ghost written them. I think one may be a writer for the show, but they're likely contracted.

It's so imitating art imitating life imitating art imitating...etc etc.

Have fun getting to Georgia and away from all the snow! (er, except I heard there was some snow in some of the south careful).


samantilles February 12 2010, 05:10:02 UTC
apparently they'll release a new book once a year in September. I'm seriously looking forward to reading this according to the reviews. And I checked, the book will fit on my DVD shelf next to my Castle DVDs! (just like my Darth Vader Cookie Jar with my SW collection.) whoohoo!


amaranthtraces February 12 2010, 01:05:33 UTC
What? But...I'm confused. Richard Castle is a fictional author who wrote a real book? Does that even make sense?


amaranthtraces February 12 2010, 01:27:07 UTC
Curiosity has won out - I just ordered it!


samantilles February 12 2010, 05:13:04 UTC
As soon as I saw it I had to buy it. My mother was with me, and she was like "I totally have to borrow that when you're done" We love Castle!!

and to top it off, I'll immediately be able to identify other castle fans who come over when they'll be "castle wtf omg is this real?" and i'll know that only a true fan would be like that.


supertrink February 12 2010, 01:43:37 UTC
they're planning to release one for each season of the show. :D i work at a bookstore, and yet haven't picked up a copy for myself yet!


samantilles February 12 2010, 05:15:06 UTC
I spent way too much money at the bookstore when I worked there. Surprisingly, it was difficult but not impossible for me not to walk into a bookstore more than once a month last year. It almost makes going to the bookstore even more of a joy, especially if I find jewels like this!


sg_betty February 12 2010, 03:30:16 UTC
I'm totally buying this. It has to be amusing, after all, they've established that Castle is a very witty fellow. ;) What a job for the writer, though! It has to work on two levels, as a novel, and as saying something about the guy that wrote it. Not to mention about the woman who's the inspiration for the main character....


samantilles February 12 2010, 05:19:02 UTC
I love the writing on Castle. The writing and the characters on the show are absolutely superb! I love even the little extras, like having Stephen J. Cannell and James Patterson quoted as reviewers on the jacket. Someone not familiar with the show at all would never think this is part of the series, and that Nathan Fillion really is Richard Castle. Fabulousness!!


stargazercmc February 12 2010, 07:15:16 UTC
Remember the episode where Castle says something about Beckett checking out the love scene on page whatever it was? Hee! It's actually on that page.

(The first 10 chapters or so are on ABC's website for castle in pdf format and I read it there.)


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