Prompt Post

Jan 09, 2009 01:12

This is the post for prompt collection. Leave prompts in the comments. Please put each prompt in a separate comment. I know that's a pain in the butt, but it will make my life easier in about a week and a half :)

Prompts can be as detailed or as general as you'd like. You can even tack on what other pairings you'd like to see. Also, there's no limit to how many you can submit!

If you have an AU or a crossover prompt, please designate it as so, like this:

(Crossover: TWW/Psych) After Sam's life is threatened on a campaign stop, the police get involved and bring on a supposed psychic who sees more going on between the candidate and his former campaign manager than is strictly proper. (If you can make it Shawn/Gus as well, that would be great!)

(AU) Sam is an animal trainer and Will has an unruly dachshund.

Anyway, have fun!

!mod, !prompts

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