Title: Decide, Don’t Discuss
Rating: T
Genre: Angst
Series: Trauma Center / Ace Attorney
Pairing(s): Phoenix/Derek
Character(s): Derek Stiles, Phoenix Wright
Summary: Derek has come to tell Phoenix about the most difficult decisions he’s ever had to make.
Notes: Written for a pairing/location/prompt meme that I posted on LJ.
smudwasadraigon asked for Phoenix/
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I'm really glad that you liked it, since I admittedly felt a bit unsure about writing such a sensitive subject matter. And while I've never felt I can get into Phoenix's head very well, I'm glad that doesn't stop me from writing him passably. :)
And get out! Your Derek is the perfect Derek! The way I wrote him here was just heavily taken from how you write him and just generally Mr. Nice Guy.
Also, I had to leave it as an optimistic ending because I didn't want to kill you!
...But I may have kind of done a few musings about, um, how Phoenix and Victor cope after Derek dies... *Hides in shame*
You're good at sensitive subject matter, too, because you're not overly harsh but still straightforward. There's no point trying to sugar-coat it--just throw the characters in and let them deal with it XD
That said, I'm glad you let me down a bit gently. But please tell me what happens if Derek dies, because I was trying to think about it myself and it made me cry again ;w;
Awww, I'm glad that you think so! That gives me a bit more confidence. ^^
Well, in my head, even though Derek died it was through his volunteering that they found the cure for this strand of GUILT. So his efforts helped stop it from spreading, like he would have wanted. Then Phoenix ended up sticking by Victor out to a warped sense of responsibility and things got out of hand from there.
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