New Vid: Strip My Mind -The Dreamers (2003 Bernardo Bertolucci)

Sep 27, 2007 09:07

Strip My Mind
Fandom: The Dreamers(2003 Bernardo Bertolucci)
Music by:Red Hot Chilli Peppers
Pairing: Matthew /Theo Matthew/Isabelle & Matthew/Twins
Vid by: saltwatergirl
Duration & File size: 3:15minutes, 41.9 MB and 17.7 MB
File Type: .wmv
Summary: Paris '68: sex, cinema & politics.

A big thank you to my beta carnivouroslamb.

Download:||41.9 MB (HQ)|| || 17.7 MB (standard quality)||

"It's the people we love,
the people we live with,
that elude us the most."-A River Runs Through It

Please don't strip my mind ...leave something behind
Matthew an American student in Paris, meets Theo & Isabelle, they bond over their shared love for cinema. Somewhere down the line, things get out hand.

The very first thing I noticed about The Dreamers is Bertolucci's explicit use of the colour red-it's almost in every other frame. Very Sam Mendesque in American Beauty with the roses. I had hoped that in the commentary Bertolucci would answer some of the questions I had concerning the art direction, but he never did. Which left the movie open to interpretation.

The movie is an adaptation of a book (The Holy Innocent by Gilbert Adair) I tried to get a copy when I heard that the book explores the Matthew/Theo relationship more...vividly. But the book is now out of print for some odd reason.

The vid
The Dreamers and the classics are separate. At some point, the distinction between the two is blurred.

Lyrics Strip Mind by Red Hot Chilli Peppers

Arthur Jaded indicated
The boulevard would never be
So full of love and life again
(oh sing it)

Hot as Hades* early eighties
Sing another song make me
Feel like I'm in love again
(got to loose the wig)
oh yeah oh yeah
Please don't strip my mind
Leave something behind
Please don't strip my mind
oh yeah oh oh.

Please don't strip my mind
Leave something behind
Please don't strip my mind

El dorado won the lotto
All that cash and not a clue
But now you know what I've been through
Please don't strip my mind
Leave something behind
Please don't strip my mind
Please don't strip my mind
Leave something behind

ETA: Correction for lyrics
*The Greek and Roman god of the underworld and the ruler of the dead. Also called Dis. The underworld itself was also known to the Greeks as Hades. 1 ‡ The Greek and Roman underworld later became associated with the hell of Christianity, as in the expression “hot as Hades.” (The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy > 2. Mythology and Folklore)


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