
Jun 22, 2010 12:03



to you authors out there,

do you guys ever go back to your old pieces and just scan them through and pick up past bits that you've always found...interesting/meaningful but no one ever noticed it? (i know sk_swing did once haha)

i don't know, i was looking back at one of my drabble collection things and some of the lines really kinda ( Read more... )

!random, !life's great

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Comments 16

sk_swing June 22 2010, 16:37:08 UTC
Fuck. yes. baby! :D Summer!

Lol I read over my old stuff all the time. Like ALL THE TIME. It's a combination of kind of remembering writing them but still being baffled at what came out and the need to constantly editeditedit. Every time I read my stuff I change things, which is really a bad habit, but oh well.

Better to go back and enjoy what you've done instead of bemoaning it 8)


salted_taiyaki June 23 2010, 17:48:37 UTC
too boring! ugh ;____;

haha i tend to leave my stuff unedited unless it's like stupid typos and stuff because i hate icky typos

exactly haha


crazyemosrock June 22 2010, 16:39:58 UTC
yeah I do that hahaha
with fanfic and originalfic.
it's makes me want to rewrite it to fit whatever fandom I'm in now. is it the same for you?


salted_taiyaki June 23 2010, 17:50:42 UTC
well i've only been into shinee for the past few months so i can't really say aha xD but i think i'd understand the feeling


crazyemosrock June 23 2010, 19:48:17 UTC
ah, I meant with writing in general.


siaht June 22 2010, 17:23:37 UTC
school being over is one of the best things to ever happen in everyone's lives! congrats!! ^^

oh and, I guess all of us authors do that, you're right about it being kind of inspirational. when I do that though, it's mostly because I still have to finish it xDD (and btw I was going to do it just now lol)


salted_taiyaki June 23 2010, 17:51:17 UTC
haha thanks ;;

xD ahh cool, so i can suspect future fan fic from you? /flutters eyelashes


queen_anything June 22 2010, 22:01:53 UTC
What school do you fgo to that you're just now getting out? D: It sounds like prison for the teenaged soul!

& I know what you mean, except I forget what I write about three minutes after so I reread my stuff and go "Whoa! Did I actually write this, it's so good!" xD So I guess I just have the memory of a gold fish, but whatev. :/
But yeah, I don't think it's wrong for you to take pride in your work at all! It's good for you to recognize what you do right so you can continue you to! :)


salted_taiyaki June 23 2010, 17:54:42 UTC
i go to a school in new jersey and we're getting out now because my school SUCKS
i almost had to stay 2 full hours for a 30 minute exam too oh my god sobsob

ahaa xD actually when i read stuff from months ago i can pick out lines that were influenced by other stories or people and be able to remember it aha
haha thanks ;w;


queen_anything June 23 2010, 22:21:42 UTC
God, that's seriously crazy! D: I'm so sorry!
& my school requires every class to have a two hour final, so for choir we just have a party because my teacher, luckily, doesn't require a test. xD

I wish I could do that! ^^;; So I take it you have the memory of an elephant than? (Because everything must be related to animals. :P)

saw my last comment & am amazed you could even decipher it, I really need to start re-reading what I type. -_-;;


ichigochancake June 23 2010, 03:06:50 UTC
oh man, i know how you feel. school just finished for me as well. soooo happy. xD

when i re-read my older things, my response is usually this: ":| :/ :\ OTL 'OTL" so i usually don't.


salted_taiyaki June 23 2010, 17:55:38 UTC
whoooo congrats to you too /o/

xD aha whatttt i'm sure they are fine (i still like your ontae story js)


ichigochancake June 24 2010, 00:43:44 UTC
nah, you supply me with beautiful ontae. LIKE TWENTYSOMETHING. ;-; so well-written.

i think i should probably post more often. i just can't find any inspiration to. gaaaah. need to write.


salted_taiyaki June 24 2010, 00:53:02 UTC
djhsres thank you v much dear

yes you should but inspiration is a mfer and likes to leave a lot
what a temperamental, fickle little thing


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