Room 438, Saturday Morning, *rock music plays*

Jan 19, 2008 12:49

There was a very loud motor sound in Dean's ear when he woke up and he was pressed up against something large, warm and furry. He opened his eyes sleepily and then gave a little squeak at the giant cat that was curled around him. The cat opened one eye, looked at him and then closed it again.

Dean swallowed and began carefully pulling away from the giant mutant cat. When he finally managed it and got a chance to look around, he discovered it wasn't so much a giant mutant cat as that he was very very small. Or that everything else was giant mutant as well. Worst of all, there was no sign of Sam which probably meant something had him and was trying to sacrifice him. And they hadn't even had a chance to wash the sacrificial underwear since the last time!

There was nothing for it, but to find his brother and rescue him. He made it to the edge of the giant (mutant) bed and carefully climbed down the side, using the giant sheets for handholds. Then he went over and stared at the very large door. With the doorknob that was very far over his head.

This? Was going to take a while.

[ooc: Dean has joined the ranks of the Plastic Winchesters and as such he is currently Ken doll sized.]

plastic!, the place

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