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Comments 15

hooloovoo_42 January 20 2014, 01:26:36 UTC
Post-Threads fic may have been done a million times, but they don't always work. This certainly did. There were a couple of minor typos in the first part - one was "flaws" instead of "floors" and I can't remember the other. But it was absolutely Jack and Sam in part 1 and totally hot in part 2.


Re: salr323 January 20 2014, 08:10:54 UTC
Thanks so much! I'm glad you thought it worked. Thanks for picking up the typo too - now corrected! :)


getcarter1701 January 23 2014, 00:43:24 UTC
That gave me goosebumps. I've been aching for some good SJ fic and this totally made my night. Just lovely!


salr323 January 23 2014, 09:23:21 UTC
Thanks so much, I'm so pleased you liked it. And thanks for taking the time to comment. :)


sharp2799 January 26 2014, 21:17:25 UTC
Love this! Hope you write more!


salr323 January 26 2014, 22:56:07 UTC
Thank you! I just started a new one today. :)


josephine_64 January 26 2014, 22:15:50 UTC
Fabulous! It's got everything - continuity with what they showed us, and all the other bits that we 'know' must have happened in some way, described perfectly. Thank you for sharing.


salr323 January 26 2014, 22:58:22 UTC
I'm so glad you enjoyed it and thanks for taking the time to comment. :) They're such a fab couple!


suzotchka1 January 26 2014, 22:19:37 UTC
This was great! It's how it should've been!


salr323 January 26 2014, 22:59:44 UTC
Thank you! I'd have loved to see something like this on screen. Thank goodness for fic! :)


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