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Comments 14

dizmo September 27 2007, 07:31:54 UTC


salophile September 27 2007, 07:39:36 UTC

1. Your geekiness is an inspiration to geekiness everywhere. And by geekiness, I don't just mean the fact that you're in fandom and RP and everything, it's just that you get so honestly happy because of it-- and I not only love that, I admire it.

2. Occasional conversational segues like "My gummi bears are luscious for you" don't throw you; you embrace them.

3. Your occasional capacity for some really cutting snark. I mean, I should've guessed all along you had it in you because you've got Snape and play him so well, but when it comes out, it's like "Wow, Erin trusts me enough to show me this side of herself! Cool!"


soloecal September 27 2007, 12:16:34 UTC


salophile September 27 2007, 20:17:49 UTC
1. The first thing I loved about you is that you admitted to being fucked up and you try to fix it. In a world where so many people are giving up and just asking everyone else to do it for them or to settle, you're working to improve yourself, and that's so rare.

2. You really are my River-- you're smarter than me, admittedly, and (there's no denying it) you're a total brat and I want to smack you sometimes, but you're someone I'd do anything for (yes, up to and including putting my future in jeopardy), and while I can't put my finger on exactly why we formed this relationship I don't know what I'd do without it.

3. I love the fact that you're completely asexual yet the first time I met you you took off your bra and flashed me, and also let me extensively poke your boobs. XD You do defy expectations quite a bit.


peridium September 27 2007, 13:37:45 UTC
Hi. ♥


salophile September 27 2007, 20:21:12 UTC
1. The fact that you watched Beast Wars with me and didn't laugh at me for liking it.

2. Taking my mice in-- well, yours now-- and loving them so much.

3. You've proven time after time after time that you really honestly do care for me and will do so much for me, and I never thought I deserved that/would get anyone willing to work that hard for me. See icon for further eloquence.


anonymous September 27 2007, 14:53:25 UTC
Boo! :)


rhombal September 27 2007, 14:54:54 UTC
... what the hell, I thought I was logged in to LJ. THAT WAS ME. DILI, IF IT DOES IT AGAIN AND IF THAT WASN'T CLEAR WITH THE COMMENT I MADE. (I also used the "Want to play?" icon.)


salophile September 27 2007, 20:25:46 UTC
1. Although we're almost nothing alike on the surface, you've shown me several times that we've been through a lot of the same things and we have a lot of odd personality traits in common-- our weird "hero" complex, for instance. That conversation we had about it remains one of the most meaningful I've had in the last few years.

2. Heh, I didn't really think I'd end up latching onto someone who also fangirls murderers and villains.

3. Speaking of, your fangirling in general is just so awesome-- it amazes me how much you can get other people into fandoms just by your sheer enthusiasm.


jiasachan September 27 2007, 16:47:40 UTC
Hi, there. :D

(I am officially braindead, because I managed to post this as a reply to someone else's comment at first and I know I must have seen that it was not the normal comment link. Today is an odd day.)


salophile September 27 2007, 20:35:59 UTC
1. Your love of Mercutio (and Shakespeare in general!) was almost literally a lifesaver in high school. You were my first "Oh god, smart people who like literature and theatre and are my age exist!" connection.

2. I love the way your life is difficult but you kind of take it in stride. A brother with health problems? You'll help what you can but not let it get you too down. A suicidal gunman loose on your campus? Okay, your door's locked, so you're going to go take a nap. It's either very healthy or very unhealthy. Personally I think it's healthy and I quite admire it. XD

3. Your whole "doing stupid things is okay as long as you learn from them or they're harmless" thing-- that is awesome and I'm so glad I've found someone who can back me up on that/reinforce me when I need it!


jiasachan September 27 2007, 20:59:43 UTC
1. Oh, man, this one definitely goes both ways. It was so, so neat to run into you on teh intarwebz back then and talk to someone who made sense. XD

2. They never did find that guy, but they did determine that he is probably only a threat to himself. Provided he is not a completely incompetent marksman, anyway.

3. I need to believe that. If it's not true, I'm screwed. XD


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