(Mean Girls) Sink

Apr 18, 2007 19:29

Title: Sink

Fandom: Mean Girls
Pairing: Janis/Regina
Rating: NC-17
Words: 1773

Summary: The fighting doesn't really stop, it just takes a different tack.

"Why don’t you go jump off a bridge, Regina?”

Not her wittiest comeback, but Janis was feeling irritable, exasperated, and just a tiny bit trapped.

Regina smirked, the slightest quirk of her lips managing to make it quite clear that she knew Janis was capable of better, and that she expected more, and that she knew she was winning, and where was the challenge in that?

“You ought to be careful with the way you behave in here, Janis,” she admonished in a tone that most would describe as kindly and helpful, but Janis knew was a warning.

Regina’s carefully chosen and perfectly coordinated black stilettos gave her the extra few inches to tower over Janis, to make her feel like she was being backed into a corner, although she was being very careful not to move. Being very careful to stand her ground. Janis held her head as high as she could without looking ridiculous, fighting down the urge to pounce, to go for hair, eyes, whatever would cause the most pain.

“And why should I be careful?” Janis snapped back with as much sarcastic curiosity as she could muster. She knew she was walking into a trap, knew that she was only giving Regina the perfect opening for more acid insults, but she refused to leave the deliberate tease hanging. They did a pretty good job of avoiding each other around school, but there were some places that were common ground, such as Ms. Tindley’s Spanish class and the girl’s bathroom which they were currently squaring off in. And Janis wasn’t about to let this latest feud spill out into the corridors, preferred to keep it here, private, away from prying eyes and Regina’s pack of yipping sidekicks.

Regina tilted her head in that innocent, doe-like way she’d perfected before they even hit puberty, arms folding over her chest. “Because, silly, it’s a privilege for you to be able to use the girl’s bathroom as it is. You don’t want to be seen causing any kind of trouble in here, do you? It wouldn’t be that difficult for someone to start a petition insisting you only use the men’s…”

Oh, Janis was going to kill her.

And, of course, that was the moment several members of the girl’s soccer team chose to stomp into the bathroom, arguing over how short was too short when it came to the team’s uniform, and Janis wasn’t about to pick a fight in front of them because they were fast and they liked to kick. If she was going to attack Regina, she wanted to at least get a few punches in before she was dragged away.


Regina’s back hitting the wall was the most wonderful sound in the world. No, the second most wonderful sound. The real most wonderful sound in the world was that pained exhalation that escaped Regina’s mouth at the point of impact, that brief moment where she couldn’t mask that Janis had gotten to her, where she couldn’t hide behind a perfect smile with perfectly white teeth and perfectly plush lips.

Janis couldn’t keep the self-satisfied grin from her face, and Regina, being her usual sporting self, chose that moment to kick Janis in the shin.

Janis jumped back with a curse, Regina shoved at her, Janis reached out to grab at Regina’s arm, and they both landed on the bed in a heap.

“Bitch,” Janis hissed.

“Dyke,” Regina smirked.

And then there was lots of rolling and clawing at each other’s clothes, and Janis knew better than to leave any marks on Regina’s thighs since they could easily be seen under a skirt, but Regina never wore halter-tops so that made Regina’s back fair game.

She shoved at Regina’s top, pushing it up to her rib cage, and grabbed at Regina’s back, blunt fingernails digging into the skin. Regina retaliated by biting at Janis’ neck, teeth sinking in, tongue lashing out instantly over the marks, and, yeah, Janis was going to have to wear a polo-neck the next day.

Regina was trying to pin Janis’ wrists and Janis had made it clear repeatedly that she hated being trapped, so it was only self-defence to roll them over again, to wedge her leg between Regina’s thighs, to be rough and brutal and rub in all the right places, and to ride each of Regina’s gasps and thrusts.

“I swear, Regina, if I hear so much as a hint of another petition…”

Regina only smiled serenely up at her. “You’ll what? Write some poetry? Moan in your journal? Complain on your website? Cry?”

Janis grabbed a handful of Regina’s hair, jerking her face to the side, leaning down to lick at her throat. “Bitch.”

“You already said that,” Regina snorted.

Janis had long since stopped asking herself why she snuck round Regina’s house in the middle of the night. She was pretty sure it was a little to do with her lack of sanity, and a lot to do with her impressive amount of hormones. And then there was the novelty of having the equivalent of High School royalty shove Janis’ skirt up around her waist and yank on her underwear so hard the seam split.

“Hey!” she managed to protest, and then Regina’s hands were tearing away the remains of the fabric and her fingers were wriggling between Janis’ legs and underwear suddenly didn’t matter as much.

Regina always seemed like she should be all about the tease, but she never was, not like this. All those little arguments in school, the snide comments and poisonous looks, that was Regina’s idea of foreplay. Of course, it suited Janis perfectly, especially when she’d spent all afternoon and all evening stewing in her own anger over Regina’s latest barrage of insults.

Janis lurched backwards before Regina’s fingers could slip any lower, and Regina was flushed and panting and still managing to look regal, lying back against the hideously expensive silk pillows with her hair spilling around her, small grin tugging at her lips.

“I mean it,” Janis snapped, hands grabbing at Regina’s calves, pushing her legs until they were folded, spreading them with no resistance. “Karma’s gonna catch up with you eventually, and I will help it along.”

She pushed Regina’s own designer skirt up, pulling her sky blue panties off. Regina extended one leg gracefully to help, completely unabashed, then raised her second leg, resting it on Janis’ shoulder, underwear still hanging off her ankle and those black stilettos still in place.

“That’s your big threat? Karma?” she purred.

“I hate you,” Janis whispered.

“Shut up and do it already,” Regina shot back with a porcelain laugh.

Really, it never ceased to amaze Janis how Regina could be the one flat on her back and still be calling all the shots. And how, in this one place, here in Regina’s room, Janis always seemed to agree, to follow orders, without hesitation.

She ducked down and it always pissed her off and made her ache in the best kind of way, right between her legs, that she recognised Regina by taste. That Regina was always ready for her, and that breathy little moan at the first touch of tongue against flesh was the third most wonderful sound in the world. That she knew exactly when to lick, and when to suck, and when to push inside of her, and that if she waited just a touch longer than felt right, and then rolled her tongue the way she did when pronouncing the letter ‘r’ in Spanish class, then Regina would curse as she came, spilling out every obscenity under the sun, and sometimes even Janis’ name like it was the worst insult of all.

Regina was always most violent just after those moments and Janis had quickly learned to pull away, especially on days when they didn’t even manage to kick off their shoes, because a stiletto to the face hurt.

And then Regina pounced and Janis let herself be pushed back, because letting Regina go first always seemed to make her more determined to return the favour, and to do it better.

Regina’s fingers pushing inside of her was like selling another piece of her soul to the Devil every time, and Janis just spread her legs wider, bringing one of her own hands down to press against her clitoris. Regina growled and smacked the hand away, and then she was leaning down, hair cascading over Janis’ stomach and thighs, and her tongue was moving in the same rhythm as her fingers, circling and stretching and pressing and frantic. Janis let her head fall against the mattress, arched her back and tried very hard to keep her voice in check.

Regina’s fingers stroked at her insides, her tongue caressing, both meeting and pressing against the same spot from inside and out, over and over and Janis was babbling, because Janis liked to talk, but she had no idea what she was saying, and she was pretty sure that Regina was laughing between her legs. And there was another finger, and then four, and her hips weren’t touching the bed any more, and Regina was still moving between her thighs, kissing her almost gently, and then Janis was teetering, snapping, falling, gasping, shivering. Spent.

Regina crawled off of her slowly, indulgent smile telling Janis that she’d probably let something slip that she should have kept to herself, something that Regina wasn’t planning on telling her. Something that Regina was going to let her obsess over, and then bring up at the worst possible moment.

Janis hauled herself to standing, trying to stop her legs from quaking just with the sheer force of her mind. “You know,” she began curtly. “If you threaten me with that bathroom crap again, I’ll drag your ass into the nearest stall and shove my fingers so far inside you I’ll be able to count your teeth.”

Regina wrinkled her nose in a manner some found cute, but Janis just found nauseating. “Ugh, don’t be so vulgar, Janis. It just doesn’t suit you.” She straightened her skirt and sat back against the headboard, a slow and thoughtful smile gradually taking over her face. “Although, it’s a better threat than ‘karma’, I guess.”

The worst and least wonderful sound in the world was that tone that Regina used to use when they were still friends, all those years ago, that sometimes found its way into her voice.

Janis responded the only way she could.

By giving a mock salute, followed by the finger, and marching from the room, Regina’s smirk still plastered across the inside of her eyelids.

yuri, mean girls, fic

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