Title: The Alibi
Author: lyryk (s_k)
Link to the
ficPairing: Merlin/Arthur
G rated, no warnings.
Disclaimer: Merlin belongs to Shine & the BBC.
Artist's notes: I'd like to thank the lovely Meg for allowing me a few more days before posting (I've been abroad until two days ago), and most importantly for choosing my prompt. Hope you guys enjoy the
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Comments 3
Thank ~you for the awesome prompt! I only wish this hadn't been a pinch hit, and that I could have written a longer fic for your wonderful idea. You're really fun and amazing to work with, and it was a real pleasure. Thanks again! :-)
(the fic is lovely, read it last night because I couldn't resist XD)
(I have no idea why LJ posted my previous comment multiple times. Weirdness.)
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