This is It... (Stargate SG1 - gen, 200 words)

Sep 02, 2011 18:13

A double drabble written for one_prompt, the prompt being, well, the second line :) And I am definitely still not breaking my tradition of writing less than serious Stargate...

This is It...
{rustle rustle}

"Sometimes I think to myself, 'This is it... This is going to be the day we have a nice, sane, boring mission.'"

"Indeed, O'Neill."

{scratching of several pens on paper}

"To a nice, sane, boring planet."

"Yes, so you told us, sir."

{rustle rustle riiiiip rustle}

"With nice, sane, boring people."

"We heard you the first time, Jack. And the second, and third... fourth... tenth..."

{shuffle of papers... many many many papers}

"Just sayin', Daniel. Today being one of those sometimes, I thought, "This is definitely gonna be it." And guess what?"

"It is a nice planet, Jack."

"They're very sane people, sir."

"It is undoubtedly boring, O'Neill."

"Yep to all of those, so what do we get instead of bullets -?"

"Jack, I could have told you, many societies tend to do this."

"Entry paperwork? In quadruplicate? Or more?"

"Much more." {more scratching of pens} "It's the cost of being nice -"

"Sane -"

"Boring -"

"And much like home. Come on, Jack, we only have ninety-three more forms to go before they let us stay... or for that matter, let us go."

{deep sigh}

"Can't they just turn nasty and insane, and maybe shoot us instead?"

-the end-

my fanfiction, stargate sg1

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