You make breaking hearts look so easy

May 13, 2009 06:25

Who: Phoenix Wright, open
What: Mostly, he's being terrified by these creepy shadows that keep trying to eat him
When: May 13th
Where: Near his apartment
Warning: Um, Phoenix being turned into a heartless? Maybe?

It seems like you've done this before )

phoenix wright

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Comments 10

same_afterlife May 13 2009, 05:46:28 UTC
Methodically going though houses destroying the heartless he found near and around them, Zabuza frowned to himself when he realized that they just kept coming back. This was strange, nothing like the demons of legend he knew about, but...

The missing nin hears someone yelling, and he considers ignoring it, but if Haku wasn't too far from him the boy would go after the voice. He might as well save himself the worry. Phoenix is spotted rather easily by the man and he observes for a moment before bringing his weapon down to knock away heartless, the only thing he seemed to be able to do at the moment.


jounin_009720 May 13 2009, 05:51:45 UTC
It took him a while to leave the forest but Kakashi finally made it out and hurried his way towards the town. Something seemed odd as his red eye scanned the area for the first time. What were those things coming out of the ground. He landed on a roof top when he heard someone's cry for help. He peeked over the edge as he observed the man kicking something away but not having any affect.

What timing. He rolled out his kunai and attached an explosive to it when he spots a familiar face. Was that Zabuza!? The jounin held his position as he decided to observe the situation further.


i_object_that May 13 2009, 06:06:25 UTC
He swallowed hard as he saw the biggest sword he'd ever seen in his life slash down somewhere that was far too close for his liking. With another yelp, he slid away, standing behind the other man and peeking out from behind his shoulder.

"Th-thanks," he mumbled, standing back to give the guy room. It wasn't until he looked over his own shoulder that he saw more appear from behind him. With another flimsy kick, he managed to dodge one lunging for him, but beyond that-- it was back up against the wall for Phoenix.

This is what having a pure heart does to you, jeez.


same_afterlife May 13 2009, 06:26:34 UTC
The ninja put fit the handle loosley back over his shoulder, nodding to Phoenix before speaking from underneath his bandages. "Let's go, the town hall is the safehouse."

The man turned and frown, sensing the familiar Chakra. Well well well "You gonna sit there, Copy ninja!?" He called to the other, then looked back down when he saw a heartless latching to his leg. Nope, not happening. The man picked it up and cast it aside by it's antenna with a guttural growl.


I need to use this icon :X thegreatrevival May 13 2009, 05:54:16 UTC
Miles Edgeworth was a prosecutor. Being a prosecutor had it's perks. Free lunches thanks to the government, a shiny office, a nice salary... One of the draw backs to being a prosecutor was the constant threat on his life. People always had guns, there were always attempts to shoot him, and lots of evil glares he received from family members of the guilty defendants.

Miles Edgeworth was very good at dodging things like bullets. He was also good at dodging little things like shadows that attempted to follow him and other people. So when Miles saw a certain defense attorney against a wall with the little evil things surrounding him, he couldn't help wanting to help the other.

And so he shouted. It would at least distract them.



Ffff oh you i_object_that May 13 2009, 06:16:35 UTC
Well, Phoenix was certainly glad to hear a familiar voice, and with relief-- wait, he gets free lunch!?-- er, priorities, right-- he called back in a somewhat shaky voice.

"E-Edgeworth!" He almost flailed, kicking and wriggling in his vain attempts to rid himself of these black ... demons? Well, whatever they were, they were slippery little things. He hated the way they stared at him, all hungry and... foreboding.

He slipped along the wall, moving towards Edgeworth's voice-- he found is hard to see much, considering the black surrounding him, but he could just make out that familiar pink suit. "I-I'm over here!"


eternalorder May 13 2009, 06:29:05 UTC
Wilhelm was taking a stroll, yes a stroll, amidst the chaos that had errupted. He tsk'ed, ignoring the little black creatures that seemed to be attracted to him. Every time one got close enough that they might brush his sleeve, he seemed to get just one step ahead of them somehow.

He saw a particular large horde of them again, converging on a man who just seemed to be kicking them and yelling loudly.
"Kicking them is most inefficient, you know." Wilhelm said calmly.

ooc: I couldnt resist even tho im not off hiatus tomorrow >>. I like nick hahah <3. Ohh wilhelm will save him next post, but excuse his assness >_>.


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