Brain Washing Days

Apr 23, 2010 14:39

Who: Usagi, her pets, Wicked Lady, Endymion, Cissnei, OPEN TO THOSE WHO WANT TO GET CONVERTED TO THE DARK SIDE! WE HAVE COOKIES!
What: Brain washing!
When: April 23rd--April 27th.
Where: Forest/lake/where ever. xD

Hide and Seek )

wicked lady, cissnei, preston marlowe, seto kaiba, kagome, tsukino usagi, aoyagi ritsuka, hyuuga neji, chiba mamoru

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Day 3 oomoon_rabbitoo April 23 2010, 21:39:57 UTC
oomoon_rabbitoo April 26 2010, 01:05:06 UTC
"No." she growled. She wouldn't stop. Not until everyone here felt her pain, felt her anger and sorrow. She was a friend to everyone, but the moment someone else came she was tossed aside like she was nothing. Evey time someone else was suffering she was by their side, trying to comfort them. The moment she began to suffer no one came to comfort her.

She made her ribbons bring Neji closer to her, until there were inches away from another. With one hand she dug the kunai out of her shoulder, letting the blood run down her arm . Though it pained her she brought her bloody hand up to place on the side of his cheek.

"I cried over you when you died, and now you're making me bleed. Is this what you wanted?" she murmured, letting the energy she was pouring into him to change his view of her.


eighthsight April 26 2010, 01:21:08 UTC
No. It was all he had to hear to know that there was no way he could help her this time. He watched her for a long moment with blank eyes, shaking then hanging his head forwards. There was nothing he could do, but wait for her to either finish him off or make him her ... pet as she had called it.

As he was brought closer, he shut his eyes tighter, trying to block out the sight of her. He couldn't stand to look at her this way, but the bloody hand on his face made his eyes snap open, looking straight at her this time.

``... no,`` he answered automatically, almost monotonous.


oomoon_rabbitoo April 26 2010, 01:32:08 UTC
"Then serve me...." she murmured. Bringing him closer as she cupped his chin with her blood hand. She brought his face to hers as though she was going to give him a kiss, but instead she closed her eyes and let her insignia touch his forehead.

"Protect your Queen.." she murmured, letting more of the dark energy flow over him until he was completely hers.


eighthsight April 26 2010, 01:41:44 UTC
He was being pulled closer and no matter how much he wanted to pull away, he couldn't force himself to do so. His eyes shut once more when their foreheads touched, eyelids fluttering slightly.

``My Queen,`` he whispered in return, his body instantly relaxing against the ribbons that were holding him in place. He allowed himself to be taken.


oomoon_rabbitoo April 26 2010, 01:48:09 UTC
Serenity began to pull away, opening her eyes to see Neji submit to her. A smirk rose across her face as she waved her hands to let the ribbons envelope the ninja completely before safely putting him on the ground. he was on her side now and like Cissnei he needed a new look to show who he belonged to...complete with a collar.

The energy around him disappeared. Serenity studied him again before nodding her head in approval. Yes, he would do. Her eyes looked over at her shoulder, shaking her head. The wound would heal on its own.


eighthsight April 26 2010, 03:40:44 UTC
The ribbons of shadow covered him, making everything fall to darkness. His thoughts scrambled, mixing between good, bad, worry, shame then nothing at all. Once he was on the ground, he just waited to be released.

And it didn't take long. The energy began to disappate and as it did, Neji's head slowly tilted up, the small charm on his new collar glinting in the half light. His eyes snapped open, though only one was visible, it was practically glowing and a dark smirk crossed his face.


i_am_kagome April 24 2010, 22:50:01 UTC
Kagome was wandering by the lake when she saw a good group of people. As she glanced around, she happened to see Usagi. She started running towards her friend, calling her name when it hit her that something was different about her. She did not the same...she almost looked evil.

She was frozen with fear and disbelief as she continued to stare at her friend. Usagi was sweet and nice...who was this person? Without hesitation, she started to draw an arrow and she aimed it right at Usagi. "Tell me what you did with me friend" She yelled with authority as she kept her arrow trained on the other woman.


oomoon_rabbitoo April 24 2010, 23:10:03 UTC
Serenity was sitting down near the lake with her dress spread out before her, making her look more regal. She heard someone coming, but didn't bother to lift her head or pay any attention to them. They kept calling her Usagi and she wouldn't respond to such a name.

At least until she heard the authority in the person's voice. Serenity glanced over and for a moment she thought she saw Mars yelling at her. The fallen queen's anger flared for a moment until she realized it was Kagome speaking to her.

"Put your weapon down before you harm yourself," she told her flatly.


i_am_kagome April 25 2010, 18:32:14 UTC
Kagome knew something about her looked different. She looked like a queen..but dangerous. When the other woman did not look up as she called her name, Kagome knew something was off. Usagi was extremely friendly and would always respond...

Kagome froze with fear as the other woman's anger enveloped her. At her response, Kagome's own anger flared up. "No! Not until you tell me who you are and what you did with Usagi!"


oomoon_rabbitoo April 25 2010, 19:24:49 UTC
Why must so many people keep calling her a name she no longer responded too? Would she have to burn it on their skin of her name, her true name? Apparently so...or cut off their tongues as she did with Cissnei. Perhaps she would do both to Kagome if she kept this up.

"Hold your tongue unless you want to lose it."


You cut off Cissnei's tongue? OMG! i_am_kagome April 25 2010, 20:00:01 UTC
Kagome drew her arrow to full length and aimed. She let go and the arrow flew through the air to land next to the other woman. The arrow glowed with Kagome's Priestess powers and slowly the glow dimmed until it diminished all together.

Kagome grabbed another arrow and took a step towards the other woman. "You don't scare me! Don't worry Usagi, I will find a way to release you!"


Mmhmm oomoon_rabbitoo April 25 2010, 21:18:11 UTC
When the first shot was fired Serenity drew back, calling out her power to draw out her black feathery wings. She was airborne staring down at Kagome. She simply shook her head at the other woman.

"Is this how you treat a friend? Firing arrows at them when they've done nothing?" memories of Mars committing the same act came to her mind. How the Priestess would always put her own, tease her, or 'accidentally' fired her attacks at her.

"You can do nothing to stop me." She called out before sending a wave of dark energy at Kagome.


Damn! Thats not an easy feat! congrats =) i_am_kagome April 25 2010, 23:42:42 UTC
Kagome stared as the being who use to be her friend grow black wings and started to fly. As she flew closer to Kagome, she backed up and she raised her arrow at it. She had no clue what she was facing...since there was no way that this was a demon.

"What are you! What do you want!" Kagome yelled at it. "Friend! You are not my friend! My friend would never try to harm someone! I don't know what you are but if you don't let Usagi go, then I will have to hurt you!" Kagome yelled at as she stood her ground.

As the dark energy surrounded Kagome, it forced her to her knees. Since her arrow had been raised, it absorbed most of the energy causing the arrow to shatter. As the dark energy dissipated, Kagome was curled up in the fetal position. After a few minutes, she jumped to her feet and pointed her finger at the being above her. "Hey you! You tried to kill me! I will make you pay for that!"


xD oomoon_rabbitoo April 26 2010, 00:49:05 UTC
A smirk came over Serenity's lips seeing her attack had made Kagome go into a fetal position, but the other woman was still persistent. The smirk dissolved into a frown. She wasn't trying to kill the girl...well, at least not yet. But if it came down to it she would have to. Perhaps she would have to try another tactic.

"With what Kagome? Your arrows cannot hurt me anymore than I already have been. You've suffered too haven't you?" she asked, lowering herself to the ground. When she stepped down from the sky her wings burst into hundreds of black feathers, letting the wind scatter them all over the island to serve as a calling card to the citizens that she was still alive. She stood her ground as she looked at Kagome.

"There's no one here from your home world. More and more people come...but not for you."


=) i_am_kagome April 26 2010, 01:02:42 UTC
"You would be surprised about what my powers can do! I can banish the evilness and allow the goodness spring forward!" She wasn't sure if this was completely true but the other woman didn't know that. She kept the arrow trained as she started to descend. "Who hurt you?" Kagome asked, her compassion rising but her wariness remaining.

At the woman's last question and her comment, Kagome felt tears in her eyes but she blinked them back and stood strong. "Yes...I have suffered but I have been able to overcome it." That was the half truth. She had been trying to overcome it but it was still very hard on her. "And I...I didn't expect people to come for me InuYasha." The name InuYasha was spoken quietly and heartfelt as though speaking the name itself was painful for her. After a few seconds, she raised her head with spirit "My friends would have come for me if they would able to. They still will! InuYasha will never give up!" She stood straight and tall and looked the being in the eye.


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