Into the Mystic

May 06, 2008 08:29

This morning I got up early to sit in nature for a while. It’s a lovely morning. Dew on the grass, birds singing, and it’s warm enough for a human being to sit outside! I thought of how there are so many beautiful things to glean from our everyday experiences, how, if we just slow down and take it in, how it speaks to us in the silence. As I sat there I thought, I wonder, if we were aware of it all, would we go mad, would we be able to take in so much beauty and love and wonder that we have at our disposal every single day? I tried to just Be, but I had some good thoughts, so I let them go on.

I sat and enjoyed the scenery, just Being with the morning, thinking of Eckhart Tolle’s last chapter of The New Earth on how we take on different forms in life but, when that physical life ends, we are the same form, from the same Source, and are recreated as something else, and I thought in my head “That reminds me, where is my father the butterfly this morning?” Butterflies have a habit of landing on me, my mom, and sister in our yard, in our car, etc. They sit beside us or on us, on our arms, cheeks, etc. and we have grown to playfully believe it is the spirit of our Ba (dad) in butterfly form. It's uncanny, if you are inclined to believe in that sort of thing - and I do believe in that sort of thing.

Well, in a matter of mere seconds, from behind me to my right flew a little white butterfly. It flew around in front of me, and I put my arms out and said “Buon Giorno, I was waiting for you!” It fluttered a bit in front of me and then it sat right down on my lap. I was still and I could not believe my eyes, but I kept thinking this is true, it’s true. This is happening. This happens. I smiled and said “How are you? It’s good to see you. I’m good, I’m doing well, it’s good. It’s good to see you.” I got silent, watching this butterfly just sitting on me, its little antennae moving slowly, like a wave. I was afraid to move, but freaked out just the same to have this moment go on forever, like I couldn’t handle the miraculous. After about two minutes I moved my hand to wipe my tears and the butterfly flew away. It felt like an eternity, me and this butterfly. What a stunning, awesome - in every sense of the word - experience. It is such a simple thing. And such a wondrous thing at the same time.

You can’t go back and have a humdrum day - or a humdrum life, for that matter - after something like that, after you’ve been touched, and I mean time and time again, by the Miraculous, by the Presence of God, or Source every day. How can we stand the immenseness of what is offered us? Know wonder (I wrote it that way, and I am keeping it like that!) we have thoughts and ego to curb all this brilliance. We’d be raving lunatics, or saints and prophets and ecstatics, without a break, right?

My dear friends, what can I say... I feel truly blessed. I’m going back outside.

And I wanted to share it first thing with my loving friends who walk the path of the miraculous.

All my love,

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