Fic: 'Denial is a River'

Dec 30, 2012 14:20

Title: Denial is a River

Rating: PG-13

Characters and/or Pairing: Demon!Dean/Castiel, Demon!Sam

Word Count: 1500

Summary: Dean doesn't do well with things he can't fix.

A/N: IMPORTANT - This fic is part of my Darkside Verse, and probably won't make much sense unless you've watched the original trilogy of videos it sprang from.

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darkside 'verse, fic, dean/castiel, team free will, slash

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Comments 6

anonymous January 23 2013, 08:08:33 UTC
I feel like I should finally admit my lurker love for you. I check here ridiculously often and die of happiness when I see there's a new darkside verse post. And then read it... more than once. Yeah, you're awesome. I praise you with great praise. *hugs* <3<3<3


t_winchester January 26 2013, 11:02:38 UTC
I love this story! It's so rare to find evil!team free will stories so I'm so happy I stumbled across you YouTube videos and now your fanfics. Please add another chapter soon. :)


sharkseye February 6 2013, 02:34:17 UTC
This is awesome! I just started it this afternoon, and I love the story. I'm a big fan of loyal Demon!Dean with Cas and Sam, so this is awesome. Although I was thinking, if Cas becomes human, he'll be able to feel more stuff now, Dean's sure to exploit that to its furthest extent. Really enjoying this, can't wait for an update


lucyannethropy February 24 2013, 01:38:01 UTC
I CAN'T BELIEVE I MISSED THIS CHAPTER OMG. Poor Cas :C But I can't stop thinking that he'll be finally able to enjoy sex :D

I will translate it as soon as I have time!


lucyannethropy February 24 2013, 01:41:08 UTC
Or rather as soon as I find the way to nicely translate the title :D


anonymous August 8 2013, 15:07:01 UTC
this is absolutely wonderful. I've re-read this verse idek how many times, but rest assured its a lot. I can't even articulate how much a enjoy this. Sure, everyone's evil and kills a lot but they're still so true to character, it's awesome. And this discrepancy between Dean's coping and what Cas thinks it means... I love it like nothing else. I await the next part happily :)


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