Fic: 'For Love is Strong as Death', 6/6

Apr 21, 2011 22:50

Title: For Love is Strong as Death

Characters/Pairings: TFW. Sam/Gabe, eventual Dean/Cas slash.

Summary: Four months after the apocalypse that wasn’t, Sam, Castiel and Gabriel are brought back to life at the same time and place, leaving Sam to deal with two suddenly human angels and the fact that he can never see his brother again...


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supernatural, bobby/crowley, sam/gabriel, team free will, slash, fic, dean/castiel, strong as death verse

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Comments 50

storm_rain April 21 2011, 22:38:50 UTC
:D!!!!! <3! First comment!
Yay! But not yay, because it's over. :( Still, it was pure awesome. Castiel's moment with Dean was amazing; I loved it. And Sam is right, nothing about Gabe is ever appropriate. But I think he's okay with that.
As for Dean's eyes? Sam had to listen to your freakin' pillow talk last night, so suck it up! >_<
Crowley and Cas are square! Yay!
This is how I would have loved for things to have really gone. And it's what the boys deserve--a kind of wacky, disturbed chaos kind of place to call home. So it made me happy to see that in this fic, especially with Crowley added in for extra snark.
This fic was awesome. I'm saving it on Delicious to come back and read again and again and again...
Great job! You rock!


sakuri69 April 21 2011, 22:52:32 UTC
Thank you so much! ^^ So glad you enjoyed!

Lol I love the idea of the boys having this dysfunctional happy-ever-after type thing, too, and I think, with them, it would have actually been a plausible ending. Nice to know I'm not the only one who thought so =P


mulder200 April 21 2011, 23:04:44 UTC
LOL! I am so happy that the boys got their issues settled.

And I just love the image of Dean being happy and cooking breakfast in the kitchen!


sakuri69 April 21 2011, 23:25:25 UTC
Hee, domestic!Winchesters are happy-making xD Glad you liked! Thank you! ^^


vulgar_snail April 21 2011, 23:28:56 UTC
I would love to leave a lengthy comment on how I just adored how you wrote this story, how the slowness and the patience in the plot made me want this to never end and just keep going forever, but I just dont have the words. I had so much fun reading this and the characterizations were so well done. Really great story.


sakuri69 April 21 2011, 23:56:49 UTC
Thank you! ^^ It's lovely to hear comments like that, I'm so glad you enjoyed ^^


phaelsafe April 21 2011, 23:32:26 UTC
Oh, dear. I'm only about halfway through this, and my husband has moved to a different room because I'm making weird, happy, squee-ing noises.

/makes weird, happy, squue-ing noises at fic


sakuri69 April 21 2011, 23:57:50 UTC
Yay! Haha, weird happy squeeing noises are the BEST kind of compliment xD Hope you enjoy the second half just as much, and thank you! ^^


phaelsafe April 22 2011, 00:07:06 UTC
Just finished. My husband was banging on the wall and telling me to knock it off - something about breaking his concentration! XD

This was wonderful in every way! WAFFtastic!!!


sakuri69 April 22 2011, 00:09:04 UTC
Yay, thank you! ^^ So glad you liked xD

Haha, and apologies to your husband for such shameless distraction =P woops...


cousinmary April 21 2011, 23:54:10 UTC
Dear god, I love how you write Dean!!! Seriously, I love the whole story, but your Dean is just priceless :-D Great job and, if you ever feel like adding to this, please do!


sakuri69 April 22 2011, 00:00:19 UTC
Oh thank you, I was so worried about writing Dean =P That boy has so many issues he's a real challenge to take on, especially as he came late to the story haha ^^ Glad you liked though. Oh, and I should be adding one last chapter of 'extra scenes' in the next few days, so do keep an eye out for that ^^


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