Vid: 'Oh My God'

Apr 12, 2011 21:37

Title: Oh My God

Rating: PG

Characters/Pairing: TFW: Sam, Dean, Cas and Gabe.

Genre: Humour.

Summary: Dean maintains, loudly and often, that he's the only sane member of Team Free Will. ...No seriously.

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supernatural, gen, vid, team free will

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Comments 7

miss_ink_wings April 13 2011, 00:28:36 UTC
Hahaha I had to laugh at the part where Dean saw the pepsi commercial. It's just like what my friend and I were imagining if only they snuck that into an actualy episode! ^^

Great video! And Dean, you know you're just as mental as the rest of them. :D


sakuri69 April 13 2011, 00:36:11 UTC
Lol, it's my personal head canon that that's what really happened to Gabe after he faked yet ANOTHER death =P I'm sure one day Sam or Dean will catch sight of him again... xD

Thank you! ^^


(The comment has been removed)

sakuri69 April 13 2011, 09:00:47 UTC
Yay! xD Thanks =P


carla888 April 13 2011, 06:01:25 UTC
I think you are amazing.

Just letting you know.

Bye *replays*


sakuri69 April 13 2011, 09:01:40 UTC
Haha awesome xD Thanks!


ms_marly April 26 2011, 06:31:47 UTC
When you look at the clips out of context you really did make Dean seem like the reasonable, sane, mature adult that we all know he only fakes for Sam! Damn, you made Sam look nutty when he finally freaked and jumped Dean for his money clip & when he glued Dean's hand to the bottle.
Cas, well he looked like an Insane-drunk-possible-drug-addict here! Good job!! LOFAO! You get no points for Gabriel however. Please, that is a given here... ;p

Great job btw in case you couldn't tell I liked this o_o.


sakuri69 April 26 2011, 08:53:12 UTC
Thank you for your lovely comment on this too ^^ Haha it was fun emphasising all their weirdness xD (Although you're right, I can't really take credit for that with Gabe =P)


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