Art: SPN Softer World

Mar 08, 2011 00:12

Sakuri: Thought I'd try my hand at some of the 'Softer World' pictures going around lately. More beneath the cut. Numerous and varied pairings within TFW hinted at, all in fun. =P

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supernatural, gen, sam/gabriel, team free will, art, dean/castiel, sam/dean, pre-slash, a softer world

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Comments 18

emeraldheiress March 8 2011, 00:59:35 UTC
-sniggers- These are great!


sakuri69 March 8 2011, 07:31:33 UTC

Yay thank you ^^


beatlemaniac9 March 8 2011, 01:08:14 UTC
These are really funny!

Except for the picture one. That is...really sad.


sakuri69 March 8 2011, 07:32:50 UTC
I thought contrasting the burning pic with the outtake shot made it all the more so. Lol glad it worked, and thank you ^^


mulder200 March 8 2011, 01:30:29 UTC
These are wonderful!


sakuri69 March 8 2011, 07:33:11 UTC
Thank you! ^^


cutloosemcgoose March 8 2011, 02:38:00 UTC
These are really great! A nice mix of funny and touching; I especially love the one with Sam and Dean on the bridge. You really matched the sentiment of each perfectly.

I don't know if you use tumblr or not, but you should think about submitting these to


sakuri69 March 8 2011, 07:34:35 UTC
Lol the Sam and Dean one was the very first I made =P Glad you liked! ^^

Unfortunately I don't use tumblr, but thank you ^^


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sakuri69 March 8 2011, 14:01:25 UTC
Haha that seems to be a popular one xD Thank you!


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