Fic: 'For Love is Strong as Death' 2/?

Feb 20, 2011 17:52

Title: For Love is Strong as Death

Characters/Pairings: TFW. Sam/Gabe, eventual Dean/Cas slash.

Summary: Four months after the apocalypse that wasn’t, Sam, Castiel and Gabriel are brought back to life at the same time and place, leaving Sam to deal with two suddenly human angels and the fact that he can never see his brother again...

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fic, supernatural, dean/castiel, sam/gabriel, team free will, slash, strong as death verse

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Comments 23

candylovinangel February 20 2011, 19:10:21 UTC
*Facepalms* Gabriel just had to fucking cheat didn't he? XD


sakuri69 February 20 2011, 19:16:28 UTC
Of course he did =P He wouldn't be Gabriel if he was HONEST xD


mulder200 February 20 2011, 19:48:34 UTC
LOL! Of course, Sam and Gabriel would end up in jail. Priceless!

And Poor Cas! He's stuck with them both for better or worse. Poor guy.


sakuri69 February 20 2011, 20:16:55 UTC
Haha, it was inevitable really xD And yeah, I sympathise with Cas' predicament =P But you do for family haha ^^


anonymous February 20 2011, 21:56:09 UTC
This chapter is awesome. And, note to self, never play Scrabble with angels and allow for foreign languages.

Oh Gabriel *sighs and shakes head in amusement and mock sadness* try and get better at cheating.


sakuri69 February 20 2011, 22:47:11 UTC
Haha, I imagine, with all his trickster powers, he's never had to cheat the 'fair' way, so it'd make sense he'd suck at it =P

Thank you! ^^ Glad you're enjoying


tawg February 21 2011, 00:05:30 UTC
Oh, Gabe. I did love Sam's realisation that as a Trickster, Gabe would of course be winning. And Sam's ruminations on running away and brotherly care were really touching. I liked that he bitched himself out about being mopey, and his line about "Who would do this to a recovering addict?"

I really like how well you're representing three very different personalities. Castiel's hobbies seem so fitting for him, and Sam struggling with the role of big brother, And Gabriel being so obnoxious to cover... something. I don't want to call it loneliness, but you've very much painted a picture of him being alone even when surrounded by people.


sakuri69 February 21 2011, 00:22:16 UTC
Wow, thank you for such lovely detailed comments ^^

First off, I'm so glad Dean's presence is noticable even though he's not there, as it's something I was really trying to get across ^^ I think he's definately one of those characters who're equally (if not more) influential in their absence as they are when present.

Sam-as-big-brother is RLLY interesting to write, I have to admit, as I think it's something he's always secretly wanted to try (as demonstrated in the series at least twice with Adam) but logically knows he's not particularly cut out for.

And Gabe! Gabriel is a gift to write xD So much potential for comic relief, and at the same time epic angst. I'm glad it's coming across that he feels, if not lonely, then at least a little isolated. I think that's a very defining aspect of Gabriel's character.

....Anyway, I'll just stop rambling now =P Thank you, and glad you're enjoying ^^


siennis February 21 2011, 00:23:20 UTC
::sighs:: Will Gabriel never learn?! He isn't a Trickster or Archangel anymore! Silly, stupid man!

Poor Castiel, he's so heartbroken and pining over Dean :(

And Sam... gotta give the Angels a break.

Can't wait to


sakuri69 February 21 2011, 00:25:52 UTC
Haha I think Gabe's finding the transition a little difficult =P As is Sam, I imagine xD

Thank you, glad you're enjoying! ^^


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