icons! #13.

Aug 08, 2009 13:25

Because I liked it a lot... Icons from the latest Potato! It was pretty but rather small, so don't expect a lot of icons from this one. Arashi still manages to look yummy though, so it's no problem at all. <3

Total: 24










Photobucket RSS Feed Icon Table Generator

Scans from jesychan.
Please tell me what you think, kay! <3

PS: My friend said I was spamming the communities with so many releases. Is that good or bad? D:

Also, have a look at happyeling's wallies of the same issue. <3

sakurai is my name, satoshi likes fish too much, arashi is my crack, jun the almighty princess, aiba abuses engrish, nino is too pretty to be true, icon-making is my soul soul

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