
Jan 31, 2011 19:29

Today..... I had my big placement test for Japan!!! It was scary.... but I think it went ok....?? I was kind of freaking as I was doing it, thinking that all my answers were horrible and I wasn't understanding anything, but at the end when I read over it, it actually seemed ok! xD Anyway, that was the scary exam for me... Wednesday is kanji and translation, which I did very well on last time (when I actually put in the effort) so I'm feeling confident enough about that :) And the results will be out next week!! Ahhhhh I'm scared!! >.<;;;;

Anyway, have some Shouhei translations!! :D :D (I'm in such a good mood now that that test is over....^^;;;)

Japan VS Korea

It was an amazing fight to the death.

Congratulations Japan.

…Honda is so cool.

Korea did really well too!

It was a good game!!!

The next one's on the 29th! I'm looking forward to it

/end of entry

Samurai Japan

It was an amazing battle.

Congratulations on winning ! ! ! ! !

It was really moving ! ! ! ! !

/end of entry

Haha seems like someone is a big football fan~~ (honestly I know nothing about all of this, but if Japan is doing well, I'm happy ^^)


translation, blog, miura shouhei

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