Title: Myth - Chapter 9
astrangerenters Rating: PG-13 to NC-17 (for violence, blood and explicit sex scene in future chapters)
Pairing: Sakumoto (main), Masatoshi
Genre: AU, action, humor
Summary: Jun's POV. Some dreams from the past will explain a lot of things.
DISCLAMER: I own nothing. And the plot comes from Rick Riordan, a damn good writer!
Myth - Chapter 9 )
Comments 43
Good luck, I'll try and be quicker with your next chapter!
Yeah I know but still...I'm sure it took you a lot of time, I'm really sorry >_<
If you have a bit of fun, then I'm really happy!!
Thanks! I'll send you next chapter within next week, and don't worry you're not slow!
ooohhh so that is why jun has been treating sho that way
lol..jun you didnt need to try and make sho love you he already does
poor jun trying so hard to protect sho and then for this to happen...at least he knows his mother is not against his love
will sho be ok, will they get there in time
cant wait to see what happens
thank you so much for sharing
Yeah you finally, FINALLY!!! know why Jun avoids Sho so much!
You'll know how Sho is doing in the next chapter, please wait a little ^^
Thank YOU so much for reading and commenting ♥
Bon en tout cas très bon chapitre. C'est cool de connaitre un peu les motivations de Jun (et de voir la force de l'amour de Sho huhu). J'ai hâte de lire la suite en tout cas!
Oh? Tu connais les Amazones, non? Tu dois un peu savoir à quoi t'attendre ^^" Et oui...pas la peine de détruire l'écran de ton ordi...ça n'y fera rien ^^"
Merci beaucoup, je suis contente que ça te plaise! Là c'est bon c'est parti, les passages amoureux concernant Sho et Jun vont être trèèèèèèèèès présents!
Merci beaucoup d'avoir pris le temps de lire ^^
Can't wait for more!!
You're right, Aphrodite is okay with them, but Athena is another story >_<
Thank you very much for reading and commenting!
Since he dreamed of the beach and it came true...I hope that means the Sakumoto make out session is due to come true as well! ;P
Ahaha who knows? But you've seen the 'NC-17' tag right? And until now their still no sex scene so...?
Thank you very much for reading and commenting ^^
The NC-17 tag had me excited, but I wasn't sure it was for Sho and Jun...so I didn't let myself over think it. But now that you've (sort of) confirmed it, and I can squeal in glee!! :D
About the NC-17...in my mind there will be A LOT of NC-17 chapters in the future but...I HATE writting prOn ^^"" I like reading it and even writing it but only in my native language because in English it's too hard (no pun intented)! >_< anyway I hope you'll like it ^^"
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