my glasses are hot stuff
YEEEAHHH it's not all the devoloped yet haha. I'm coming up with the plot and everything, Daralyn is doing all the characters, and Ashley is doing the backgrounds because daralyn can't draw them to save her life. She devoloped a new comic style and showed up the pictures, and I was like THESE ARE ALSO I'M GONNA MAKE AN EPIC STORY LINE TO GO WITH THIS YEEEAH
she's devoloping the the last couple of characters and revamping the others, and then I have to get to work
NO ): I'm still doing Pokemon pearl, cause I go through these weird phases where I'm completely rabid about it, then forget about it for 394790374 months. Zac's gonna get platinum though. It's just gonna be yellow to pearl/diamond
KITTEEEEENSSSSS!!!!! I wanna see them! Especially Hunter, with his open eyeballs!!!! <33333333
Man, I totally need to re-do my FAFSA for next year. :(
I drew the li'l sister, she's pretty cute, although not as little looking as I was hoping for. She's, like, pre-teen or something? And I fixed up the main character, gave him a dfferent facial expression (all "who cares" and lazy) and some better clothes. I tried and faied like five times to draw the cross-dressing friend. And I haven't even attempted the aunt yet, because I know how much a suuuuuuck at drawing older people.
Comments 8
omfg, did you get the new Pokemon game? Is it any good? EVERYONE at college is playing it, but I don't feel like taking a bus ride into town lol
my glasses are hot stuff
YEEEAHHH it's not all the devoloped yet haha. I'm coming up with the plot and everything, Daralyn is doing all the characters, and Ashley is doing the backgrounds because daralyn can't draw them to save her life. She devoloped a new comic style and showed up the pictures, and I was like THESE ARE ALSO I'M GONNA MAKE AN EPIC STORY LINE TO GO WITH THIS YEEEAH
she's devoloping the the last couple of characters and revamping the others, and then I have to get to work
NO ): I'm still doing Pokemon pearl, cause I go through these weird phases where I'm completely rabid about it, then forget about it for 394790374 months. Zac's gonna get platinum though. It's just gonna be yellow to pearl/diamond
Man, I totally need to re-do my FAFSA for next year. :(
I drew the li'l sister, she's pretty cute, although not as little looking as I was hoping for. She's, like, pre-teen or something? And I fixed up the main character, gave him a dfferent facial expression (all "who cares" and lazy) and some better clothes. I tried and faied like five times to draw the cross-dressing friend. And I haven't even attempted the aunt yet, because I know how much a suuuuuuck at drawing older people.
mmmm kittens
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the most hilarious comedian musician evveeer
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