Doc Chicago: Chapter #25

Mar 22, 2014 21:08

Title: Doc Chicago
Author: sajaal
Rating: G to R (just in case)
Characters: Dr. Reid Oliver, Luke Snyder, Holden Snyder, Aaron Snyder, Dr. Bob Hughes, Katie Snyder and a myriad of atwt and original characters
Disclaimer: Not mine, and I really mean no harm and all mistakes are mine.

A/N:  This is partly AU and partly not.  I have to thank zzzfreckles for asking me to consider writing a Luke and Reid version of the movie Doc Hollywood starring Michael J. Fox.   I’ve been pondering the idea for quite a few months and it slowly formed in my head.  A fun-fic-Friday prompt lead me to the Prequel and I’ve changed a few things to fit my storyline…enjoy everyone!!!

Chapter #25

Luke snorted at Reid’s response knowing that he’d been the recipient of a very seductive and playful Reid Oliver.  The twinkle in Reid’s eyes was unmistakable and it took Luke’s breath away, “Man,” he thought to himself, “I don’t stand a chance if he lays the charm on like this,” and then Luke figured why should he try and fight it, “So this is how you plan to woo me,” Luke replied with a smile.

Reid quirked an eyebrow and Luke’s words, “Do you need wooing Mr. Snyder?” he queried the twinkle still in those amazing blue eyes.

“Hmm, everyone loves to be courted, I’m just surprised,” Luke admitted, Reid’s behavior had been so unexpected.

“Maybe I’m a closet romantic Mr. Snyder,” Reid quipped giving Luke another quick kiss.

Luke snorted again and replied with a laugh, “There is no way you’d be hiding away in a closet Dr. Oliver with your rude obnoxious behavior you’d never fit.”

Reid shook his head in mock offense, “What are you saying Mr. Snyder, you don’t like me and my rude and obnoxious behavior?”

Luke stopped laughing and gently pushed Reid back against the railing putting both hands either side of Reid on the railing and trapping Reid between his arms, “I like you Dr. Oliver and I’m beginning to see that this rude obnoxious behavior is all some sort of act and a really nice guy is lurking just below the surface,” he said quietly moving closer until their lips were almost touching.

“I guess you’ll have to find out for yourself,” Reid replied thickly as Luke’s presence set his blood on fire and all he could do was feel Luke’s body close to his and inhale a scent that was distinctively Luke.

Luke just nodded capturing Reid’s amazing lips in another searing kiss.  A clearing of the throat finally penetrated their lust filled minds and they broke apart to see Aaron standing a few feet away.  Aaron smiled and walked over to them ignoring the glares from the two men.

“Hey Reid I got a few of the pieces on your car, why don’t you come by tomorrow,” Aaron told Reid excitedly, “It looks pretty good if I do say so myself,” he beamed and Luke grinned in response.

Reid’s face lit up as he replied, “Yeah, that would be great, I’ll come over in the afternoon I promised Katie I’d look after Jacob in the morning,” and Luke’s heart did a little flip at Reid’s words of helping Katie.

“Hey, come to the farm after you see Aaron, for dinner,” Luke offered impulsively, “You can check on Baxter and we can go swimming at the pond,” Luke babbled seeing Reid’s eyes widen, food and Luke Snyder, two of his favourite things.

“Yeah sure, I’d like to check on Baxter and have some more of your grandma’s food,” Reid agreed and then shook his head, “I’m not too sure about the swimming though.”

“Come on live a little the water is nice and cool and its going to be hot tomorrow,” Luke cajoled now that Luke had had a taste of Reid’s seduction he wanted more.

“We’ll see Snyder,” Reid told him and then they went back inside Yo’s to watch Casey in full form.

He was trying to impress Lou’s friend Sydney with his pool cue air guitar moves.

“Hey Case you’re not Jimmy Page,” Aaron called out to Casey with a laugh as Casey pretended to play Dazed and Confused along with the music in the background.

Casey just grinned and Sydney gave Casey an amused smile.  Luke was happy to see his friend enjoying himself, he’d felt a little bad when he’d invited Reid, he and Casey had been spending a lot of time together and Luke didn’t want him to feel put out.  Casey had said it was fine and he was happy for Luke and with Sydney here it made Luke feel better.  They played a few more games of pool and then Luke and Reid wandered out.  Luke was helping at the farm the next day and he wanted to get a good night’s sleep.

“So I’ll see you tomorrow,” Luke told Reid as they stood by the jeep.

Reid put a hand on Luke’s jaw and gave him a soft kiss and then ran his thumb along Luke’s plump bottom lip, “Yeah see you tomorrow” he replied and then hopped into the jeep.

Luke stood for a few minutes and watched him go before heading over to his own car.  Had it only been a month since Dr. Reid Oliver had entered his life with a bang, literally and figuratively.  Luke could not equate the egotistical asshole he’d talked to months ago with the man that made Luke’s toes curl with his kisses.

They still knew so little about one another, Luke knew there was a story behind Reid’s sudden move to Chicago and leaving a very successful practice behind.  He thought about calling Lucinda but he also knew that he should just ask Reid himself.  Any sneakiness just caused trouble his father Damian had shown that for years with his lies and deceit that just hurt people.  Luke was one of Damian’s unfortunate victims along with his mom and Holden.  Luke decided to put his thoughts to rest and would look forward to the next evening and seeing Reid again.

Reid had avoided Katie’s questions the next morning since she was going to be late as Reid shoved her out the door and told her to have fun at brunch with Vienna.  Then he and Jacob set out for a late morning walk and wound up in Olde Towne.

“Hey Dr. Oliver,” Faith Snyder called from the ice cream shop, “Hi Jacob,” she cooed as Reid picked him out of the stroller.

“How about a plain vanilla cone Faith, then I can share it with Jacob,” Reid told her and he and Jacob enjoyed a tasty treat.  At first Jacob wasn’t too sure what that cold stuff was but soon he was trying to take bites and gave himself an ice cream headache and he whimpered a little.

“Slow down buddy,” Reid admonished gently, wiping Jacob’s face and rubbing him between his eyes to ease the pain.

“You’re really good with him,” Faith said in an amused tone and Reid turned to look at her in surprise.

“I do have a few redeeming qualities Ms. Snyder,” he quipped and Faith snorted.

“You must have, Luke’s been mooning about you all week,” she said with a smirk and went off to serve another customer.

Reid shook his head and after a nice walk in the park he and Jacob headed back to Katie’s.  Reid shushed Katie as she walked in since Jacob was asleep in the stroller and he told her he was going to be out for the afternoon.

“To see Luke?” Katie asked in a whisper.

Reid rolled his eyes at her, “I’m going to see my car and then I’m having dinner at the farm,” he told her quietly putting a finger to her lips to stop her from saying anymore and he bent to pick up his bag with his towel and swimsuit, Katie’s eyes widening when she noticed as he left and closed the door softly.

“Wow Aaron, this look’s great,” Reid, told him.   Aaron had managed to clean the bumper up and had attached it to Reid’s car, it wasn’t completely clean yet but it fit perfectly.

“I need to do some more buffing and polishing but I’m happy it fit so well,” Aaron told Reid honestly, restoring Reid’s car was a labor of love but hard work and Aaron wanted it to be perfect, “I’ve finally tracked down a supplier for the paint and it should be in late next week,” Aaron explained to Reid.
Aaron still needed to repair the hood and one of the lights and bumper’s on the driver’s side where most of the damage had occurred.  Aaron expected he would still need a month or more to complete the repairs and he was happy to see Reid didn’t seem to be in a hurry for him to finish it.

“That’s okay Aaron, I don’t need to be in Chicago until later in August so you have lot’s of time to finish it,” Reid told him, surprising himself with his words and realizing that it was true.

The accident was an unfortunate incident but Reid had confidence in Aaron’s abilities to fix his car and restore it to its original state before the accident.  If the accident hadn’t happened Reid would never have met Luke Snyder in person.  Reid didn’t want to analyze his feelings for Luke too closely they had come on too fast and were so intense that it scared him and excited him at the same time.  Reid knew that Luke had had a tumultuous relationship with Noah Mayer that had just ended.  He also realized that he didn’t know a lot about Luke Snyder other than he didn’t like Reid very much at first and the feelings had been mutual.

His thoughts ended abruptly as he turned up the lane to the farm and as the house came into view so did Luke Snyder.  Luke’s signature John Deere cap lay on the ground beside him along with a wet t-shirt.   As Luke turned Reid saw water stream down Luke’s face and chest soaking the waistband of his boxers since his tight threadbare jeans hung low on his lean hips.

Reid’s breath caught in his throat at the smile and warmth in those brown eyes.  His heart beat faster and his palms began to sweat even more at the sight of a hot and wet Luke Snyder.  Reid groaned inwardly, “Fuck, what am I getting myself into,” he thought as he parked the jeep and Luke sauntered towards him the smile widening as he saw a flushed Reid Oliver.

“Hi,” Luke said and gasped at the heat in Reid’s eyes as he stepped out of the jeep and pulled Luke into his arms.

“You’re so fucking sexy,” Reid growled leaning in to give Luke a mind-blowing kiss.

dr. reid oliver, !author|artist: sajaal, luke snyder, fanfiction, lure

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