You're the Best Thing 8/?

May 26, 2013 21:35

Title: You're the Best Thing; 8/?
Author: sajaal
Characters: Dr. Reid Oliver, Luke Snyder, Lucy Montgomery, Bonnie Mckechnie, Jade Taylor, Derek Coburn, Gabriel Caras, Lucinda Walsh, Dr. John Dixon, Dr. Anna Della Croce, Dr. Jean-Paul Benoit, Connor Bailey and Dr. Jasper Tate...and various Oakdalians mentioned.
Rating: Pg13-R,
Disclaimers: Not mine, mean no harm.  All mistakes are mine since I self-editJ

A/N: This is the continuation/sequel of my first fic. “Fragile”, you don't need to read it to understand this one but it may be helpful. I started this over a year ago and now I’m back to it, in a nutshell Dr. Reid Oliver and Luke Snyder have been in a relationship just over three months and are heading to London, England together.  As usual I’ve added a few new characters into the mix just to make it interesting and because I can.

I could be discontent and chase the rainbows end
I might win much more but lose all that is mine
I could be a lot but I know I'm not
I'm content just with the riches that you bring.

I might shoot to win and commit the sin
Of wanting more than I've already got
I could runaway but I'd rather stay
In the warmth of your smile lighting up my day, the one that makes me say,

Cause, you're the best thing that ever happened to me or my world,
You're the best thing that ever happened, so don't go away

The Style Council, 1984.

Chapter #8

Dr. Jasper Tate hated these accommodations he’d lived in too many of these furnished apartments the past five years.  He knew he only had himself to blame the thought of settling down terrified him.  He and his partner Thomas had been together ten years when Thomas decided it wasn’t working anymore and walked out.  They had both been working at John Hopkins in Baltimore, Thomas as an anaesthesiologist and they had met during their residencies.  Jasper was a young neurosurgeon in the Paediatric Neurosurgery Center at the time his focus on paediatric care and the diseases of the brain of babies and young children.

Thomas’s betrayal hit him hard and he’d drowned himself in alcohol and random hook-ups for a good year until he finally was able to get his head on straight.  Since then he’d had the occasional long-term but still he hadn’t found anyone that he wanted to stay with, except three years ago when a sexy irritating neurosurgeon caught his eye.  They spent a few months having amazing sex and games of chess before he was called away.

Jasper had left a couple of months later spending time back home in Louisiana.  At forty-five he was at the top of his field although he hadn’t actually completed any surgeries in over four years.  He was usually brought in as a consultant on special cases or in the development of certain programs.  The National Hospital of Neurology and Neurosurgery in London had requested his expertise as they set up a new neurology wing that was associated with the UCL Institute of Neurology and Neuroscience.

Jasper sat down on the ultra modern leather sofa and booted up his laptop.  He searched for a few minutes and then found what he was looking for luckily he could go to meetings that were located right around the corner.

Connor Bailey sat down in Lucinda Walsh’s office, tapping his fingers on his foot that he had on top of his knee.  The door opened and Lucinda waltzed in, “Sorry for making you wait Connor, I wanted to wish my grandson a safe trip,” she apologized as she sat down with a china cup and saucer filled with coffee.

“No problem at all Mrs. Walsh,” Connor told her pleasantly getting up to shake her hand.

“My dear boy sit down and forget the formalities,” Lucinda chuckled and then added, “So how are you darling? How was Buenos Aires?”

“Good, very good Mrs. Walsh, everything is up and running, the team you have there is very capable,” Connor told her honestly.

“I know my sources told me about how well you worked with everyone and how quickly you got things in place,” Lucinda told him with a small smile, “Now I have another assignment for you.  My grandson Luke Snyder is building a state of the art neurology wing at London’s National Hospital of Neurology and Neurosurgery.  I would like you to go out and help with the installation and IT security of the systems and the equipment they need to put in.  All the laboratories and surgical theatres will be outfitted with highly specialized and sophisticated instruments.  Your background will be beneficial as they set up the computer systems to run all of this equipment,” Lucinda explained, barely stopping for a breath.

Connor’s mouth dropped open, “You want me to work with your grandson?” he asked dumbfounded, his voice wavering.

“Will that be a problem?” Lucinda queried, quirking an eyebrow at him in surprise, “I know it’s not directly for World Wide but I trust you and your capabilities.”

“Ah, no it shouldn’t be a problem and I’m flattered that you think so highly of me,” Connor replied, recovering from his initial shock to speak firmly.

“Well of course you should be, it takes a lot to impress me, but I know you’ll take this assignment seriously and will work hard to complete it,” Lucinda told him, “Now all the arrangements are made, you can fly out tomorrow if you’re ready.”

“Thank-you for this opportunity Mrs. Walsh, I look forward to working with your grandson,” Connor said to her getting up and shaking Lucinda’s hand.

Reid sat down with a humpf on the sofa in the small parlour of their Victorian row house.  Luke had paid the cab driver and Reid had brought the bags in.  He was exhausted, hungry and cranky, he’d forgotten how long the flight was and although they flew first class he preferred the luxuries of Luke’s jet.  Yes, Dr. Reid Oliver was getting used to the good life with his trust fund silver spooned boyfriend.

Luke slumped down beside him, laying his head on Reid’s shoulder, “Tired?” he asked, “Hungry?” he added and chuckled as he felt Reid nod.

It was two in the morning Oakdale time and seven in the morning London time.

“We didn’t schedule anything for today, did we?” Reid asked his mind in a fog.

“Uhm, dinner with Lucy and Donal and maybe Gabriel.  I’m sure Gabriel has already climbed into a bed, he looked worse than us,” Luke mumbled and then got up with a yawn and went back to the kitchen area, “Lucy was going to make sure the fridge was stocked.  How about some scrambled eggs and toast then we can crash for a few hours?”

“Okay Snyder, I really need to eat so I’ll come and help,” Reid yawned and pulled himself off the couch with a groan.

He hated planes, they were too cramped and his back always ached after flying.  He hadn’t done any yoga or running since coming from Dallas and although the sex with Luke had been great it wasn’t enough and his body was protesting.  Although it was January he could still run outside it wasn’t that cold here in London and no snow.  As he made his way into the modernized kitchen that opened into a solarium overlooking the back garden he smiled at Luke efficiently finding all the necessary equipment to whip up some eggs.  Reid could cook but he wouldn’t have been near as calm and competent as Luke in a strange place.

“What can I do?” Reid asked coming up behind Luke and placing a kiss under a blonde curl behind his ear.

“Hmm, not distract me,” Luke huffed and then turned, an egg in one hand and then grabbing Reid’s chin with the other he kissed him soundly.

“Mmm, you taste like banana,” Reid hummed smacking his lips and grabbing one from the bunch on the counter.

“Check in there for a toaster?” Luke pointed at a cabinet beside the small fridge.

Reid looked at the fridge in horror, “That’s our fridge, it’s tiny?” he gasped in dismay.

Luke chuckled, “Sorry Oliver, they don’t usually have room in these small kitchens for the mammoth sized fridge’s you’re used to.”

“Hmpf, they don’t know what there missing,” Reid snorted in reply.

“Yeah, but they have corner stores and markets nearby so you can pick-up fresh everyday that’s one of the perks of living here,” Luke explained with a small smile.

Reid shrugged in reply as he found the toaster and grabbed some bread.  They sat down to eat a few minutes later and Reid watched Luke under his lashes, he had more practice with lack of sleep and eating at odd times.  Luke picked at his food and kept yawning much to Reid’s chagrin, Reid wanted Luke to stay healthy.  He hated when Luke had to travel so much and his eating and sleeping was knocked out of the usual routine.  It made taking his meds more difficult and weakened his already compromised immune system.

“Okay, Snyder go on up to sleep for a few hours, I’ll get this stuff put away” Reid told him.

Luke nodded and yawned again, “Okay, I’m beat, I’ll see you up there,” he mumbled getting up giving Reid a quick kiss and then grabbed his bags and made his way slowly up the stairs.

Reid sighed and gave the kitchen a quick wipe down before heading up.  Luke was already asleep in the massive four-poster bed that actually had curtains that could be drawn around it as in Victorian times.  Luke’s blonde head lay on the pillow, his mouth parted and he was breathing quietly.  Reid placed a hand on his forehead to feel if it was hot.  He couldn’t help himself after the scare he had with Luke in Dallas he did this at least once a night or more just to make sure Luke was okay.  Satisfied that Luke was fine he went into the bathroom and then slipped off his well-travelled clothes and crawled into bed snuggling against Luke’s back.

The sun streaming through the window woke Luke up a few hours later.  He turned seeing Reid sprawled on his stomach his face turned towards Luke.  Luke crawled quietly out of the bed trying not to disturb Reid it was just after noon so Luke went back down to the kitchen.  He’d seen sandwich fixings in the fridge and since he hadn’t been hungry earlier he decided to make sandwiches Oliver style.

Reid’s eyes widened in surprise and delight when he saw two large sandwiches sitting on a plate.  He went around the breakfast bar and pulled Luke in for a passionate kiss.

“Thank you, I knew you were good for something, Snyder,” Reid told Luke with a smirk as he went to sit down.

“Hmpf, I’m only good for at least one thing?” Luke asked wryly, “And of course it has to do with food,” he snorted.

“Mmm, well okay you have a few other talents, like that thing you do with your tongue,” Reid mumbled through a mouthful of sandwich.

Luke laughed at Reid’s ridiculousness and teased, “There’s only one thing you like that I do with my tongue?” he asked innocently.

“Okay, maybe a couple of things,” Reid agreed with a shrug, but Luke good see his lip quirk in a smile.

“Bastard!” Luke cried out with another laugh and swiped half of Reid’s sandwich.

“Brat!” Reid replied and snatched it back.

Luke shook his head and continued to eat, “What do you want to do this afternoon?”

“I want to get the bags unpacked and do some yoga and then we can go for a run.  Two plane rides in a few days and my back is killing me, yoga and a run will stretch it out and clear my head,” Reid told Luke finishing off his meal.

“Sounds like a good idea we can go around that park we found the last time we were here,” Luke agreed grabbing the plates and putting them in the dishwasher.

They changed into running pants and t-shirts after unpacking and went down for their pre-run yoga, stretching and letting lunch settle before they went off to run.  They added running coats as they headed out the door it was damp and cloudy but not raining.  They managed a five-mile run by adding a few blocks on either side of the park and running two and a half circuits.

As they made their way back to the house Reid glanced over at Luke, “Shower?” he asked and his blue eyes darkened.

Luke’s breath caught in his throat and he could only manage a nod.  His running pants left little to the imagination and that one look from Reid had Luke hardening instantly.  The jackets were peeled off and their t-shirts followed as they made their way up the stairs.  Every few steps they would stop one or the other pushing against the wall for a wet deep kiss.

“Fuck!” Reid groaned sometimes he wasn’t sure he could make it when Luke kissed him like this, his moans just making him harder and pushing him to the edge.

“C’mon, pants off, let’s go Oliver,” Luke gasped pulling away and dragging Reid up to the bathroom.

The shower couldn’t compare to the one in Cal’s condo but it was big enough for two.  Luke adjusted the water as Reid peeled his pants off, “You too Snyder, now,” he growled grabbing Luke’s pants at the waistband and pulling the boxers down with them.

They fumbled into the shower their mouths’ fused together kissing and sucking on each other’s tongue.  It was hot and wet and made them fucking crazy.  Reid grabbed the shower gel and Luke put a hand out but they didn’t separate.  Reid poured the gel into Luke’s palm and Luke grabbed Reid’s free hand and they massaged their hands together to create a soapy lather and then they took their cocks in between them.  Luke’s hand on the outside and Reid’s smaller one on the inside, as they began to stroke up and down.  The other hand was behind the each other’s head entwining in the wet curls as they continued to kiss.

It didn’t take long they had perfected this and thoroughly enjoyed each other with a simple hand job.  They gasped and moaned together, mumbling words of encouragement and love as they took each other to the edge and over.

“Fuck, Luke, so good,” Reid shuddered as he came.

“Yeah, love you baby,” Luke whispered as he spurted all over their hands it was so erotic and his brown hot gaze never left the smoldering blue ones.

They collapsed back into the bed falling asleep quickly, luckily Luke had set the alarm giving them enough time to get ready for dinner with Lucy and Donal.

dr. reid oliver, atwt, !author|artist: sajaal, luke snyder, fanfiction, lure

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